“Hiding in a closet.”

“What can you see?”

I roll my eyes. “Gia I’m literally in the tiniest hallway closet in a basement.”

“Tell me anyway.”

I look around. “Coats.”

“What colors are they?”

“Just tell me.”

“Uh. Dark green and black. Bright orange. One that looks like it will come down to the feet of whoever’s wearing it.”

“Okay. What else?”

I look down. “Boots.”

“Is there mud on them?”

I lean in. “Yeah.”

“Is it soft?”

“Gia, seriously?”

“Do it, Caterina.”

I extend one finger cautiously and poke the mud. To my surprise, it is a little soft. “Yeah. It’s pretty soft.”

“Anything in it?”

“Um. Some plants?”

“What do they look like?”

“Grass. One big green leaf. Something purple…”

“What does it look like?”

Her voice is weirdly intense. I look down. “Um. It’s purple?”

“How many petals, Caterina.”


“Okay. Are you safe?”

“More or less, yes.”

“Good. Listen to me. You’re going to hang up the phone. You’re going to keep it next to you. Turn the ringer off, keep it on silent. Stay hidden. If you hear shooting, you hear anything… the code word is Luna. That’s how you’ll know it’s us.”

There’s no way she will be able to find me. “Gia, how…”

“One hour. Stay there.”

The line goes dead.