She spent six years running from you. Be patient.

I nod in the doorway. “I will make sure they’re ready for you to sign, Caterina,” I murmur.

She studies me again, then smiles.

It is a real smile.

The kind that I have longed to see.

“Thank you, Elio,” she whispers.

“Anything for you, cara mia,” I smile.

I turn and shut the door, and go to gather my wife something to wear.

If Giaand Sal have suspicions of what Caterina and I were doing in the office, they wisely choose to say nothing.

Instead, we spend the afternoon planning our return to New York. There are many arrangements to be made, travel to be planned. Luna and Caterina spend most of the day drawing on the marble in my courtyard with chalk, and before I know it the pristine white of our front entryway is covered in a myriad of rainbows, hearts, and cartoon people.

I love it.

Seeing Luna’s imprint on my life makes me wish to see more. I want to be here when she learns to ride a bicycle, when she stops making childish drawings and starts crafting more intricate ones.

I wonder if when she’s older, she’ll want an art tutor. Or perhaps she would be interested in fashion? I’ll ensure that she has the finest clothes, and works in the best of the fashion houses.

Perhaps she will continue her fascination with architecture. I’ll get her a tutor… I…

I stop myself.

I allow one small smile.

The possibilities before her are endless. It gives me no small satisfaction to know that, whatever path Luna chooses, I will lay it out for her.

The world, and all its joys, will be hers.

“Sorry about the marble,” Caterina says as she comes to stand next to me. “It will wash off.”

“I don’t care,” I say simply. “The foyer needed some brightening to begin with.”

“Oh, you wanted a stick-family with a dog and a cat?”

I look at the monstrosities that Luna is sketching now. “Does she wish for these things?”

“Yes. She’s always wanted a dog and a cat.”

“I know someone who breeds wonderful Doberman dogs…”

Caterina laughs. “You’d get Luna a Doberman?”

Trained in personal protection, yes.“It pleases her and keeps her safe. Why not?”

“Because…” Caterina’s voice trails off.

I reach for her hand. “I will do anything you wish, Caterina,” I murmur.

Then, because there are no witnesses, I lift her hand to my mouth and press a kiss on her knuckles.

“I must go make a call,” I mutter.