“I thought you said ‘dark and murderous.’ Make up your mind.”

“What is your problem? Why do you keep doing this to me?”


“Yes, to me.” Gavin’s chest heaved in agitation. “You are not my bodyguard, Daire. I am not some broken, fragile piece of glass who needs you to step in and fight my battles for me. I had a moment, months ago—that doesn’t mean I’m weak. I thought I made myself clear the first time around.”

“Oh you did,” I fired back. “By shutting me out. Believe me, I got the message. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to act when I find out Joey and his dickwad friends are bullying you.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that.”

“No, you didn’t. You didn’t eventellme about it. I had to find out from Nerd Boy that your asshole ex was still pushing you around. Why?”

“Because it wasn’t your business! Isn’t that what you always tell me?”

I took a step toward him. “This is different.”

“Why? I was handling it.”

“You weren’t doing shit. Otherwise they would’ve stopped.”

That was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Gavin lost it. He launched himself at me, his hands connecting hard with my chest. But I had more weight on him, more balance, so when he grabbed hold of my shirt, I wrapped my fingers around his wrists.

“For someone who claims he doesn’t like violence, you have a nasty habit of putting your hands on me,” I said, dragging his hands down behind his back and holding him there. “But that was your last shot.”

Gavin aimed daggers my way, his irritation a tangible thing as it pulsed between us. The tension in the room hissed and sparked like a live wire.

“Can you blame me? You’re enough to drive anyone to violence.”

“Because I took care of a problemyoulet get out of control?”

Breathing hard, Gavin struggled against my grip. “I hate you.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you do. Still doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell me. Why you didn’t let me help you.”

“Because I know you, Daire. You don’t know when to stop. You’re an animal.”

Something in me snapped. I jerked him forward, our bodies flush and our noses almost touching as I said, “That’s right. Iaman animal. And I’ll eat you alive if you fucking let me.”

It wasn’t anger or fear that lit Gavin’s eyes at my words—it was desire. As if the thought of doing just that turned him on.

I didn’t think then. I just acted.

I slammed my mouth down on Gavin’s in a kiss so fierce, so possessive, that he gasped, his entire body going so still I wondered if I’d shocked him to death.

Before my brain could kick in to make me conscious of what I was doing, Gavin’s mouth parted—and then he was kissing me back. With the adrenaline riding both of us, nothing about what we were doing was tentative. All rational thought flew out the window as the sweet taste of his lips penetrated my inebriated state, and suddenly all I could think about was stealing a deeper, longer draw of him.

I let go of Gavin’s wrists, bringing my hands up to cradle his flushed cheeks. His lips parted on a gasp, and before I could tell myself what a monumentally stupid idea this was, I took the kiss that I craved.

My tongue entered Gavin’s mouth with only his groan as permission. But the hands back on my shirt hauling me closer confirmed what I already knew—he wanted this as badly as I did, and if that wasn’t confirmation enough, the hard dick rubbing up against mine sure was.

Gavin’s tongue tasted like that drink I knew he favored. Rich like port, with hints of spice to it. A taste I knew I’d never forgetafter tonight, as I swept my tongue around the honeyed interior of his mouth.

It was like an instant hit, a one-two punch that sent a buzz rushing so fast through my veins that it overpowered any other sense, any other thought, other than when I could get another. I bit and sucked at the pouty lips that had just been cursing me to hell.

My head began to spin, the living room starting to feel completely off balance, along with the rest of my world, as the reality ofwhomI was kissing slammed into me.

Abruptly, I jerked away, and the sight of Gavin’s swollen mouth and dazed eyes was enough to wake me up.