“Well, all of you, and then while I’m making sure the appropriate images and videos are procured for the final phase of my plan, one of you can go and help Preston with Doug.” When we all just stood there, glaring at East’s obnoxious ass, he added, “My plan, my rules.”

I didn’t care either way. Hell, I’d be happy to drag two of them by the ankles across Astor’s courtyard. But one of East’s main rules when he concocted this plan had been that no physical harm was to come to these dickwads.

Something I was pretty sure he’d implemented for my benefit only.

There was a curse behind me as I exited the van with Joey, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Donovan glaring down at Carl’s incapacitated body. Okay, maybe that rule had been for him too.

Donovan was usually one of the most even-tempered people around, so it was unusual to see him so volatile. The curses, the tension radiating off him, the look in his eyes—all told me he wouldn’t mind dropping Carl to the pavement.

I totally understood the feeling—I wanted to do the same with Joey, had wanted to ever since I found out what the fuckerhad done to Gavin. But the guilt of not knowing that something had been wrong with Gavin was clearly eating at his brother tonight. It was probably the main reason Donovan hadn’t invited his muscle-bound boyfriend, Kelly, along to help. The last thing he wanted was to lose his shit in front of someone who thought the sun shone out of his ass, and Donovan looked pretty much how I felt.


“Over here,” East said, directing us through the courtyard toward Astor’s main building. “Put them up here.”

We lugged them up the couple of stairs to the landing where the main doors led into Astor, then put them down on the ground with their backs propped up against the wood. As we stood back to marvel at our handiwork, East pointed at Travis.

“You, go help Preston.”

“You can suck my dick.”

East ran his eyes up and down Travis’s body then pursed his lips. “I don’t know where it last was, so…pass.”

Travis shot him the finger but then turned to jog back to the van as East glanced at the rest of us.

“Well, what are you waiting for? The plan is fortheirreputation to be ruined, not ours. You know what’s next.”

I knew exactly what was next, but I wasn’t about to touch Joey in any way other than to rearrange his face.“No.”

“No? But this is the best part.”

I crossed my arms. “I said no. And if you want Joey, and yourself, to still be breathing tomorrow, you’re not going to push the issue.”

East let out a long-suffering sigh then looked to his partner in crime, West. “You ready to do this?”

West was always up for a laugh, or pulling off a prank, and with a devious smirk he bent down and started yanking off Carl’sshoes—then his socks, jeans, and everything in between until he was stark naked.

West straightened to his full height and dusted off his hands. “One down and?—”

“Aw, man, you started without me,” Travis complained as he and Preston moved up the stairs and deposited Doug on the other side of Joey.

“—two to go.” West looked at the only other one of us six who’d even contemplate removing Joey’s clothes.

God, what had Gavin ever seen in this guy? He was boring as fuck, controlling, abusive—and, as Travis removed Joey’s final piece of clothing, I was happy to note his dick was smaller than a fucking French fry.

“Damn.” Travis cocked his head to the side. “No wonder Gavin was always grumpy.”

No shit. That thing between Joey’s legs wouldn’t have penetrated or rubbed up against anything in a way that felt good. Not in a way that I would?—

Whoa, where the fuck hadthatthought come from?

“Daire?” Donovan was looking at me like he was waiting for something, but when it was clear I had no clue what he wanted, he said, “You happy with that?”

I looked down at the three naked assholes propped up against the door, their legs spread so their ankles were linked in a familiar way, their hands bound and resting over their limp dicks—then I bent down, wadded up a pair of socks, and stuffed them in Joey’s mouth.

Donovan chuckled and did the same to the other two, and then I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m pretty fucking ecstatic. You?”