“For fuck’s sake.” I glared at Travis’s hand. “Do you have to make everything about your dick?”

“No. But we’re literally tattooingdickson Joey and his idiot friends’ faces. I figured that would at least get a ha-de-ha-ha out of you. Jesus, Daire, lighten up.”

I wished it were that easy. But the longer we stood here, the more annoyed I got, and the only thing that would make me feel better would be when Joey finally woke up and saw what he got for messing with us—messing with Gavin.

I shot Travis the finger and turned to see East over by the window of the shop, a phone to his ear as he nodded and pointed at Preston, who was busy scribbling something down on a piece of paper. Donovan stood at the front door keeping guard. The way we’d all come together to pull this plan offdidmake me feel a little fucking ha-de-ha—like I was part of something bigger than just myself.

East ended his call and looked over at the three bodies laid out on tables between us, two of which were waiting for their turn under the gun. To some that might’ve seemed slightly terrifying, to me it felt…cathartic. It’s not like they were dead, just passed the fuck out.

“Right.” Simone let out a sigh. “That’s one down. Which one’s next?”

“Doesn’t matter,” I said, walking over to East. “They’re all getting one.”

She grinned. “Damn, I should’ve done this to my cheating ex. You guys are vicious.”

“They deserve it.”

Joey groaned and struggled to open his eyes, and Travis checked the zip tie at his wrists. “It’s not time to wake up, asshole. Night-night.”

As Joey’s eyes fell shut, West and Donovan moved over to the other two to keep watch, as Simone applied fresh dicks—the same as Joey’s—to their necks. We needed to make sure they stayed passed out if we were to have a hope in hell of moving them to the next phase.

Because this wasn’t enough. Not by a long shot.

“What’s the ETA on Harry?” I said as East casually lounged back in an armchair.

“He’s almost here. Scotty’s about five minutes away.”

“You think he can manage to pull this off?”

“I think that Harry is a bigger criminal than all of us.”

“That a yes?”

“It wasn’t a no.”

I paced back and forth, my nerves strung tight, and on my third or fourth pass, East kicked at my ankle, earning him a death stare.

“I’m getting motion sickness watching you. Chill the fuck out, or go get something to drink.”

“I don’t need a drink. I need to finish this.”

“And we will. But you need to calm down. We planned this, and if you go rogue, it will ruin everything.”

Preston eyed me from his spot by the door. “We’ve got this. For Gavin.”

I nodded, finally feeling some sort of purpose in my life, and that purpose was to teach Joey and his bullying friends a lesson…

For Gavin.

Phase Three

ALONG WITH DONOVAN, I helped load Carl into the Sprinter after he’d gotten his own special neck treatment, though I was tempted to throw him in the gutter.

Like he knew what I was thinking, East waited until we’d shoved Carl into a seat before turning back to Simone and handing her a thick stack of cash.

“If anyone asks, we were never here,” he said.

She nodded and shoved the money into her bra. “Never seen you before in my life. But come back anytime.”