“I agree. If he thinks we’re going after Joey, or that we found out what’s been happening, he’ll be humiliated. Wait.” Donovan looked at me. “Is this why he’s been so surly the last few months?”

“I’m sure it hasn’t helped.”

“What happened with him and Joey?” Donovan searched my face as though it held the answer to his question, but he was shit out of luck. It wasn’t my story to tell. “Why did you go after him?”

“Does it matter?” I countered. “He’s a piece of shit. I should’ve ended him when I had the chance.”

“Yes, well, there’s more than one way to end someone.” East looked back to Harry and crooked his finger. “Looks like you’re going to be on the payroll today after all. We have a plan to put together.”

Then he grinned at me and Donovan. “A revenge plan, that is.”



Phase One

PATIENCE WAS NOT something I possessed, and waiting a couple of days until Gavin had a second date with that actor only spiked my temper with the need for revenge. I couldn’t believe I’d been able to wait this long without going after that shithead Joey and smashing more than just his face this time, but East and Donovan knew me too well and hadn’t left me alone while they got a plan—and the rest of the guys—together.

“Ugh, I can’t believe they’re letting this trash in here,” West muttered as we watched Joey, Doug and Carl, take up residence at a VIP table at one of our favorite nightclubs, Kyanite, on Wednesday night. The smug looks on their faces as they looked down on those outside their roped-off area wouldn’t be there for long.

Still, my body was wound tight, vibrating with rage.

“They’re only here as a favor to us, and it’ll be the last time they set foot in this place,” East said.

Preston frowned from where he sat lounged on a velvet couch in our own roped-off section. “They don’t think it’s suspicious they got plucked out of line and handed a VIP spot?”

“Social climbers like that?” Travis snorted. “They beg for special attention every time they come here, so trust me, they jumped at the chance to make everyone else feel like a peasant.”

“I am so ready for this.” West rubbed his hands in anticipation. “When do the models get here?”

Donovan checked his phone, and a sly smile spread over his lips. “Speak of the devil. They just arrived.”

Phase one consisted of enlisting a few of Donovan’s fellow models to get the attention of the fuckwads and get invited into their VIP. From there, the plan wason.

“God, these guys are such idiots.” Travis shook his head as a couple of ridiculously attractive guys made their way into the club, making sure to pass by Joey’s table and wink. True to sleazebag form, Joey shot to his feet, immediately inviting Donovan’s friends to join them for drinks—and probably to drool all over them.

Donovan must’ve been paying them a shit-ton.

“The fact that they’re idiots is why this plan works,” East said.

I watched the scene unfolding before me from the shadows where I sat. Not that they had any idea. Joey and his friends were still walking around Astor as if they were smarter than us, as if they didn’t have a guillotine hanging over their heads.

Little did they know, that blade was about to drop.

“We gonna do this or sit here and sing ‘Kumbaya’ all night?” I said.

“Patience, Grasshopper.” East moved in beside me, handing me a shot. “This is all part of the plan. Lulling them into a false sense of security.”

“This is makingmewant to vomit.”

“Drink your shot and behave. You’ll get your turn soon enough.”

I threw back the Liquid Cocaine shot and slammed the glass down on the table. Usually I’d tell East to fuck off with hisorders, but tonight I was willing to follow along, since what was about to happen would make all this waiting worth it.

“Do you think they’re even a little bit suspicious?” Preston said, shifting his eyes between the losers at the bar and Donovan. “Your friends arewayout of their league.”

“They’re also great actors.” Donovan winked.