“Would you look at that,” I heard Joey’s right-hand man, Carl, say. “It’s the loser prince minus his Park Avenue Pricks.”

“Don’t you mean hisbrother’sPark Avenue Pricks?” Doug said, and then started to laugh, as I kept my head down, pretending to read my phone rather than look at them.

“Pretty pathetic he can’t find friends of his own,” he jeered as they broke apart and moved toward me.

My heart started to thump a little harder as I continued to ignore them, and for a split second I thought about sending a text to Donovan. I knew my brother—he’d drop everything to get to me before anything really bad could happen, and likely bring the cavalry. But I quickly nixed the idea, knowing that if I didthat I’d appear even weaker than Joey already thought, and that was the last thing I wanted.

I could feel them circling me like sharks, but kept on moving. I just needed to get in the classroom around other people, then I’d be safe. These assholes only came for me when I was alone.

“Ignoring us today, Truitt?” One of them shoved the back of my arm, and I whipped my head around to glare at Doug.

God, how had I ever hung out with these guys? Granted, my association with them had been minimal and usually through Joey, their dickhead leader, so I’d never been on this side of their crowd. But Jesus, this constant badgering, this cornering of me when I was alone? They were bullies, something I never in a million years thought I’d have to deal with.

Something even my friends wouldn’t stoop to.

“Don’t touch me,” I said, knowing full well that I was no match for him alone, let alone with his friends surrounding me.

Doug snorted. “Or what? You’ll keep glaring at me?”

“Nah, he’ll just send someone else to do his dirty work for him.” That voice I’d recognize anywhere, and when my eyes landed on Joey’s face and now slightly crooked nose, some small part of me did a happy dance.

“I didn’t send Daire.”

“Sure you didn’t.”

“I didn’t.” I swallowed, refusing to let Joey intimidate me, even if all I wanted to do was run. “And don’t you think they would’ve found you by now if I wanted them to?”

Joey’s eyes narrowed a fraction, and when he took a step forward I immediately went back, only to run into Doug.

“You threatening me?” Joey said, and my mouth parted in complete and utter disbelief.How in the hell had I ever had any kind of feelings for this guy?

Was I threatening him? I wasn’t the one waiting in hallways to ambush and intimidate him whenever the opportunity arose.I wasn’t the one still holding a grudge all these months later, even though he had been the one to put hands onme.

“I’m not threatening you. I’m just pointing out a fact.”

Joey grabbed the front of my shirt, hauling me forward until we were practically nose to nose. “That better be all you’re doing. Because I don’t take kindly to threats.”

“Let me go, Joey.”

Joey batted his lashes and repeated in a high voice, “Let me go, Joey,” and right then I had a vision of Daire stepping out of the classroom and seeing what was happening. I had a clear picture of the way he might haul Joey off me, toss him to the ground, straddle his burly body, and land blow after blow after?—

“What are you smiling about?”

You getting your face beat in.

I didn’t say that, though. Instead I shook my head. “Nothing.”

Joey shoved me back so hard I bounced off Doug before stumbling to steady my feet, and as the three of them gathered in front of me, I thought about tossing my coffee all over them.

“Better get to class,” Joey said, and stepped aside. “You wouldn’t want to be late.”

I straightened my shoulders, angling my chin high as I stepped past the three assholes. As I entered the classroom, the door shut behind me and I finally let out a sigh of relief.

I was safe, at least for now, and that would have to be enough.

