“Just like that, huh?”

“I mean, you control you. You don’t want to be a shit. Don’t be one.”

A frown formed on the smooth skin of his forehead. “So what you’re saying is, you act like a shit because you want to.”

I shrugged, not about to get into my behavior. We were talking about him, not me. The last thing I needed was for Gavin to start psychoanalyzing me.

“I’m just tellin’ it like it is. And you’ve been a shit. Ask anyone.”

Gavin scoffed. “Why bother? Pretty sure no one is as brutal as you.”

“Just being honest.”

“Right.Well.” Gavin ran a hand through his hair. “I wasn’t keeping tabs on you or trying to be nosy about last night. I was just going to say that if you’re seeing someone and want to bring them back here, you should. You don’t have to always go to them.”

Seeing someone? What the fuck was he talking about?

“I get the need for a late-night booty call, and I can keep a secret if that’s what you want.”

He thought I was going out at night to get my rocks off? I mean, yeah, I was definitely going out to relieve frustration. To pound away on someone and let off some steam. But seeing someone? No.


“You makin’ another coffee?” I asked.

“Uh…” Gavin glanced at his half-empty mug then back at me. “No. It’ll make us late.”

I nodded, picked up my own coffee, and started for the door. I could hear Gavin behind me grabbing his bag and hurrying out of the apartment as I swiped the key card under the keypad nearby.

“You didn’t answer me back there.”

I eyed Gavin as he slung the strap of his bag over his head. “No. I didn’t.”

“So you aren’t seeing anyone?”

The elevator door slid open, and I stepped inside, not about to get into this. I didn’t do gossip and I didn’t make idle chitchat. Something he must’ve forgotten in the handful of months he’d decided to avoid all talk.

“Hello?” he said again, and I turned around and pinned him with a sharp look.

“It’s none of your business where I go or what I do. Got it?”

Gavin’s mouth snapped shut, and he gave a curt nod before stepping to the opposite side of the elevator. The muscle in his jaw twitched as he stared at the closed door and crossed his arms, and for the briefest flicker of a moment, I felt like a dick.

But hey, that had shut him up. He wouldn’t be asking any more questions now, and whatever small progress we’d made by speaking had only made things even more contentious.

That was my gift. Spreading friction wherever I went.

The tension between us only grew as we descended, and when the doors opened, Gavin practically jumped out to get away from me.

Good. Maybe then he’d stop watching me. The last thing I needed was for him or any of the guys to figure out where I spent my time after hours.

I took my time walking out to the Sprinter, sipping on my coffee and watching Gavin climb into the full van. We were the last ones this morning, but it didn’t matter. Scotty would get us wherever we needed to go on time. While my gift was being an asshole, Scotty’s was speed.

As I figured, Gavin had taken up a spot near the back, so I did us both a favor and planted my ass toward the front.

“Jesus, Daire, don’t hurry on our account,” West said from where he sat beside his roommate, East. “We’re more than happy to wait for whenyou’reready.”

“Fuck off.”