They’dtouchedhim? Fuckingbulliedhim? After I’d done Gavin a favor by not sending Joey to an early grave, that piece of shit was still messing with him?

Shit. Or were they messing with him nowbecauseof what I’d done?

“Where are they?” My tone was barely human, but somehow I managed to get those three words out. My desire to go pulverize Joey and the fuckwads he hung out with was building in me like a raging inferno.

“Daire, I think that?—”

“What?” I rounded on Donovan. “We should stand here holding our dicks? Your brother is?—”

“Exactly that.” Donovan glared up at me. “Mybrother. You think I’m happy about this?”

“I think you’re so fucking wrapped up inyourlittle love story, you don’t know shit about what’s happening with Gavin.”

Donovan’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, and I suppose you do?”

“I know more than you.”

“If that’s the case, then you’re doing a shit job of looking out for him.”

My hands balled into fists at my sides, and even the shooting pain in my knuckles wasn’t enough to make me unclench them.

“All right, you two.” East moved between me and Donovan, his hands up as though that could stop me if I wanted to land a quick jab to Donovan’s pretty face.

Iwas doing a shit job looking out for Gavin? Fuck that. I’d saved his ass twice in the past few months. Donovan could take his bullshit accusation and shove it up his ass.

“This,you two fighting each other, is not going to help anyone. Especially not Gavin.”

I never thought East would be the voice of reason, but when tempers were fired up and blood was boiling, the ability to think and rationalize had a tendency to up and vanish. Something mine and Donovan’s brains seemed to have done in this moment.

“What weneedto be doing,” East said as he turned back to face Harry, “is gathering as much information as possible on these three miscreants.”

“Fuck that,” I said. “I’m not about to stand around and do research while these assholes mess with Gavin.”

“He’s fine right now.” Harry’s voice shook.

“What do you mean?” Donovan said. “How do you know that?”

“He has class. I mean, I saw him go into the lecture hall, and they left.”

“So they waited for him.” I shook my head and began to pace, twisting one of my fists in the palm of my other hand. “They fucking ambushed him.”

Harry nodded. “That’d be my guess.”

“Motherfuckers,” I spat, my mind spinning as I tried to remember whether Gavin had ever said anything about being hassled. If he’d acted upset or sad, scared about going to school. But I was coming up blank. There was nothing, no indication that any of this had been happening, and I knew why—because of me.

He’d trusted me once with his secret, and I’d “betrayed” him. At least, that was how he’d seen it. So why would he come to me with this now?

“I need to go find him.” I was about to storm off when a firm hand grabbed my arm and I whirled around to see East arching one of his haughty eyebrows. “What?”

“Why don’t we approach this a little differently this time?” When I glared down at his hand, he was smart enough to remove it and slip it into his pocket. “Fists are a good first approach, I agree. I rather enjoyed seeing Joey’s face in shimmering shades of purple. But it’s clear that even a swift punch to his face wasn’t enough to deter him.”

“So what’s left—murder?” I was only half joking, but if that was where he was going, I was happy to get on board. I was pretty sure East would have the connections to not only help us bury a body, but to get away with it.

“Oh no.” East’s grin turned cunning. “That’d be too quick, too final. We want Joey to suffer. We want him and his friends to rue the day they messed with one of the Park Avenue Princes.”

I looked at Donovan, waiting for him to nix the idea, but the vengeance swirling in his eyes matched every feeling I was having. He was just as pissed, just as fired up as I was over this.

“Gavin can’t know.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and Donovan nodded.