His cheeks were a little rosy, and I couldn’t help but wonder if that was from the champagne he’d been drinking, or the arousal I’d seen when he’d glanced back at me after practically crawling across the table—which I knew he’d done for me and me alone.

Preston bit down into his lower lip and slipped his hands into his pockets, and there was no mistaking he knew how to play the tease, because the move automatically had me looking where he wanted me to. His pressed pants were doing little to hide his erection, and the way the material was stretching across him outlined his hard-on in an almost indecent way.

A soft groan drew my gaze back to his, and when I saw him staring at my mouth, I realized I’d licked my lips. Not on purpose, but because damn, he made me feel fuckinggreedy.

“Hi,” he said, much like he had when I first arrived at the restaurant. But there was no panic on his face this time. His pillowy lip was swollen from where he’d been biting down on it, and I wanted nothing more than to take him into one of these stalls and make those lips of his even poutier from sucking on my?—

“You told me to come to you…” He moved away from the door and walked over, and though every alarm bell was going off in my head, I shut each one down with every step he took.

“I did.” I smoothed a hand down my jacket to the couple of buttons and undid them. Then I shrugged out of it, setting it aside on the counter.

Preston’s hungry gaze roved down over me until it reached my thick length, and when he sucked in a breath, I put a finger under his chin and raised his face back to mine.

“Again. It’s good to see you can follow an order.”

We were only inches apart now, and I couldn’t stop myself from running a thumb across his lower lip like he had earlier when taunting me. He was just so damn beautiful.

“I promised you something the next time I saw you. Do you remember?”

He nodded. “I remember.”

“And do you still want to know?”

“More than my next breath.” My eyes flicked to the door behind him, and as all the reasons I shouldn’t do this flashed through my mind again, Preston said, “You don’t have to worry.”


“That someone will come in.” He nipped at my thumb. “You’re not the only one who can pay off a waiter.”

Of course. Why didn’t I think of that? Preston was a Park Avenue Prince. The refined, well-bred façade he presented was deceiving.

“You didn’t think I was going to risk being interrupted, did you?”

“Hmm, I suppose I should’ve expected that. You are rather…resourceful.”

Preston’s pupils dilated as he again looked down my body. “When I want something, I’m very…single-minded.”

Now that was a fucking turn on.

There was something to be said for having the sole attention of someone as young and attractive as Preston focused on you. Hell, if they could bottle the feeling, it would sell better than that little blue pill. Because right now, I was so turned on that it was a miracle I didn’t bend him over the sink and take him right there.

Preston moved his hands to my waist and pulled my shirt out. I didn’t lift a hand to stop him or help him, practically holding my breath as I kept my eyes on his and he began to unbutton my shirt.

The cool air across my stomach as he parted the material made me shiver—or maybe that was a reaction from his fingers grazing my skin.

God, I wanted his hands on me. He barely touched me now, and my body practically vibrated with need.

“Hmm.” Preston tugged on my tie, a playful tilt to his lips. “If we had more time, this could be fun…”

I flashed to an image of him sprawled out on my bed, my tie around his wrists, and I reached up to grip his hand.

“Take it off,” I said, my voice coming out in an impatient growl. Even paying someone off wouldn’t give us more than a handful of minutes, and I wanted him to get what he came for.

And maybe I had other, more selfish, reasons, too.

“I like it when you tell me what to do,” Preston said, making quick work of undoing my tie and flicking open the final button at my throat. With my shirt now completely open, he dropped his gaze down my body, letting his fingers follow his eyes.

I knew he could feel the way I trembled at his touch, but fuck, I wanted it. I needed him to explore me any damn way he wanted to. But Preston seemed to have more self-control than I did at the moment, because he only lightly skimmed my chest and stomach with his fingertips.