“I’m just saying that this is probably going to get messy. Are you ready for that?”

He lowered himself over me and brushed his lips across mine.

“I always knew I’d have to tell them one day, and as long as you’re with me?—”

“I will be.”

“Then I’m ready. I want this. I want you.”

I smoothed a hand up his spine and gripped his neck, bringing him to me. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Preston kissed me with fervor, his hands fisting in my hair to hold me in place as he dove in and ravaged every corner of my mouth. It was a kiss full of want. A kiss full of need. It was a kiss full of love and acceptance and the courage to chase after both, and I felt it all the way to my very soul.

I stroked the smooth skin of his back, and Preston’s eyes twinkled with mischief.“Do you think they’ll ask if you’re pregnant?”

His comment was so out of left field, so utterly ridiculous, that I couldn’t help but laugh as I pinched one of his ass cheeks.

“Pregnant? Are you done, smart-ass?”

“What? My dad has babies on the brain. That’ll be the easiest question to answer, so I figured we’d get a jump on it.”

“Oh, kind of like telling your friends that we’re together?”

Preston’s eyes widened.

“Don’t even try. DaireandTravis already confirmed tonight thatyouhave loose lips.”

“No…” He shook his head and went to sit up, but I wrapped my arms around him, keeping him close. “That’s not what happened.”

“Uh huh, and what did happen?”



“It’s your fault.”

I cocked my head on the pillow. “My fault?”

“Yeah. If you hadn’t left a huge purple bruise on my neck, none of them would’ve known about us.”

I opened my mouth to refute that, but had nothing.

“I mean, that and the fact that they caught me in a lie about hanging out with Serena when I’d been with you, and it was really all just a complete accident that they worked it out.”

I narrowed my eyes on Preston’s guilt-ridden face. “So, itwasn’tmy fault.”

He scrunched his nose up and rocked his erection against mine. “It waskind ofyour fault.”

“Are you using your body against me right now?”

“Depends. Is it working?”

“Maybe.” I leaned in until our lips were touching and whispered, “But how about you use me a little more just to be sure?”

