“Ah.” Mr. LaRue was still looking at him curiously, like he didn’t totally buy it but wasn’t going to argue. “Yes, you are that.”

“Your room key, sir,” the clerk said, sliding a small envelope Archer’s way. “You’re all set. Enjoy your stay with us.”

“Thank you,” Archer said, and when Mr. LaRue didn’t make a move to leave, I wondered how the hell I was going to get into the elevator.

Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long for him to finally get the hint.

“Well, I’ve taken up enough of your time,” he said, smiling at Archer. “Enjoy your night, and I’ll see you at the Winter Ball. Let me know if I can help in any way.”

“I appreciate that, Jacques. Take care.”

Archer closed his hand around the envelope as he watched Mr. LaRue make his way through the room, and the seconds passed by like hours as I held my breath. Damn, that’d been close. Would there be anyone else popping out of the woodwork to surprise us, or was the coast finally clear?

I waited for a signal from Archer, whose eyes were still on Mr. LaRue’s back, and when he turned his head my way, I stepped out from behind the tree.

He didn’t walk toward me, though, instead snapping his eyes toward the bank of elevators before turning on his heel. I waited a few paces, scanning the people around us, before following.

Maybe I should’ve worn a hat or some other disguise, but I’d been so eager to get here that it hadn’t crossed my mind.

Keeping my head down, I waited a couple feet back from Archer until the elevator opened. He stepped inside, and I followed, keeping to the opposite side of the car.

This was the furthest I planned to be away from him for the next two days, though.

The higher the floor, the more the elevator began to clear out, and once a couple got out on the fifteenth floor, we finally had the small space all to ourselves.

It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders the second the doors closed and we began to move again. Now I could look at him without worrying that anyone else would see. And thank God for that, because Archer looked good enough to eat. Fuck the filets he’d ordered for later, because all I wanted on my tongue was every inch of him I could get.

Like he knew what I was thinking, Archer’s expression turned hungry and he reached down to free the buttons of hisovercoat. He didn’t say a word as he stared at me, taking me in the same way I did him.

He wasn’t in his usual suit today, but a nice pair of slacks and a black sweater that molded to his athletic frame. That was probably a casual outfit for him, but the man was hot no matter what he was or wasn’t wearing.

My fingers ached to touch him, but I forced myself to stay across the car, knowing once I got my hands on him, it would be game on.

Anticipation had my pulse quickening, and I counted down the seconds. Why was it that time seemed to go slower when you were dying to get somewhere?

One side of Archer’s mouth kicked up, like he could sense my impatience, and when the elevator doors finally opened on our floor, he inclined his head for me to go first.

No one could wipe the smile off my face if they tried.



“WELL, THAT WAS close.” Preston stepped off the elevator and onto the eighteenth floor, his eyes twinkling under the chandeliers in the hall as he turned around to make sure I was following him.

As if I’d be doing anything else.

It’d been all I could manage to keep my hands off him on the way up here, but not wanting to chance being caught by anyone else we knew, I’d shoved my hands in my pockets and forced myself to keep them there.

“It was, but luckily for us, Jacques didn’t ask too many questions.”

“Thank God. Although I’m surprised to hear you’re anemic with your enjoyment of meat.” He smirked, and I wanted to roll my eyes, because saying the first thing that came to mind hadn’t been the best idea.

Preston’s gaze traveled down over me as he walked backward, tracking my every step. His obvious desire was an aphrodisiac all on its own. But add in the attractive picture he made in his camel-colored topcoat over a black cashmere turtleneck and brown pintuck pants, and he was downright irresistible.

He looked sophisticated but with a casual edge. The black sneakers he wore pointed to his youth as much as his flawless face.

“What?” Preston asked when I brought my attention back up to his face, and whatever he saw there had a smile just this side of wicked curling his lips. “Are you checking me out?”