As I walked toward him, a shock of electricity zipped through me, and like he felt my gaze, Archer glanced over his shoulder. When he caught me heading his way, a sexy smile slowly curved his lips. God, he was gorgeous. It made my stomach flip to know that smile was for me.

The hotel clerk spoke, catching his attention again, and by then I was close enough to hear Archer tell the woman he’d like a couple of dinners sent up to the room.

Just as I was about to join him, a loud voice, tinged with a French accent, said, “Archer Carrington, I thought that was you.”

My eyes snagged on West’s dad, Mr. LaRue, clapping Archer on the shoulder, and instinctively I ducked—right there in the middle of the crowded lobby.

Shit.My heart pounded an erratic rhythm as I searched out a spot to hide without attracting notice. And Iwouldattract Mr. LaRue’s notice if he saw me.

Shit shit shit shit.

I kept my head down as I moved behind a nearby Christmas tree, staying out of view but still close enough that I could see them through the branches.

Turned out, I could make out some of their conversation too.

As Archer looked up at Mr. LaRue, surprise lit his features, but he was somehow able to hide any panic he might’ve been feeling. Which he surely was. Because if that had been me, I would’ve frozen up or melted into the floor. Travis was right—I was a shit liar, even when I didn’t have to open my mouth.

“Jacques,” Archer said, giving him a smooth smile as they shook hands. “You here scoping out the competition?” West’s father was a hotel magnate, specifically for the Waldorf Astorias around the world, including the one I resided in.

He waved a flippant hand. “Just a business meeting too close to the holidays for my taste.” Before he could continue, the hotel clerk apologized for interrupting and slid a piece of paper toward Archer to sign.

“Staying overnight?” Mr. LaRue commented.

Archer paused before signing his name. “Uh, yes. A last-minute decision. My daughter and her friends have commandeered my place for the night, and if you’ve ever been around a group of girls giving a concert in your living room, you’d understand why.”

Mr. LaRue let out a boisterous chuckle, slapping Archer’s back. “Suddenly I’m grateful for Weston throwing his parties at his own place.”

Something like guilt passed over Archer’s face. “Yes, well, I would’ve stayed at the Waldorf, but I find it’s best to give the kids their space.”

The kids.I wanted to snort out a laugh at that, because technicallyIwas included in that group. And Archer was definitely not looking at me like anything less than an equal.

“Oh, I’m not offended, my friend,” Mr. LaRue said. “But you have an escape anytime you need one, yes?”

Archer’s eyes flicked to where I was hiding before he looked back at Mr. LaRue. “I appreciate that.”

“Sir?” the hotel clerk said. “Just to confirm, you wanted the two filets, both medium rare, to be sent up now or later?”

Even with branches blocking much of my view, I could see the slight reddening of Archer’s face, and he wet his lips before responding.

“Let’s say eight thirty.”

The clerk nodded, and Mr. LaRue cocked an impish brow.

“Oh, I see. You’ll be entertaining a guest.”

Archer whipped his head in his friend’s direction as my heart began to pound harder.

“No,” he said quickly. “Nothing like that. I’m just…” He seemed to search for an excuse for why he was ordering two dinners, but he fumbled over what to say, which wasn’t like him at all. He was always overconfident and smooth, but Mr. LaRue’s unexpected appearance had clearly thrown both of us for a loop.

“Yes?” Mr. LaRue said.


I had to clap a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. He couldn’t have just said he was hungry?

Mr. LaRue’s forehead creased. “I’m sorry?”

Archer looked like he wanted to slap himself in the face, but he sighed and said, “Anemic. You know, low iron. Rare in men, but what can I say, I’m unique.”