A buzz of excitement ran through me as I set the discarded shell aside and licked my lips.Your move,I thought, glancing his way and meeting his eyes for a brief moment. A hint of a sexy smirk was all the reaction I got as he beckoned for the waiter.

I wondered what he’d be having tonight. If I’d be able to taste it if I kissed him.WhenI kissed him. Because after days of radio silence, seeing him was a shock to the system, and I couldn’t promise myself I wouldn’t show up on his doorstep after this dinner was over.

I was just hoping for an invitation this time.

Trying not to look his way was a challenge, but as salads were placed in front of each of us, I at leastattemptedto seem like I was listening to my father’s conversation. I couldn’t tell what was being said, and I hoped like hell they wouldn’t ask me anything. But my father hadn’t appreciated my last answer, so I had a feeling he wouldn’t be giving me more opportunities to make him look bad. He probably regretted inviting me now, which I’d get an earful about later.

I didn’t care. I couldn’t. Not when my entire focus was elsewhere.

Chancing a look, I noticed immediately the way Archer’s fingers were casually wrapped around the stem of a wine glass, and when he sensed me looking, he began to wind them up and down. Stroking. Archer was stroking his glass like he was playing with my dick, and the way my body reacted, you would’ve thought he really was.

Dammit.It’d be too obvious to reach beneath the table and adjust my pants to give my growing erection a little breathing room, and Archer knew it too.

Let the games begin.

Digging into my salad, I ignored him for as long as I could, which wasn’t more than a handful of minutes. Pathetic, really, but it wasn’t my fault I was a moth to his flame, and he wasreallyfucking hot.

The opportunity for another tease came unexpectedly when the new senator’s wife accidentally spilled her wine. I jumped to my feet, leaning across the table with my napkin to help her before it flowed onto her dress. When she was taken care of, I glanced at Archer, and his look was so familiar that my stomach flipped.

It was just like the moment in his office when I’d leaned over his desk, trying to make my intentions clear. He wasn’t the first one to look away this time as I settled back in my seat, feelinghis eyes still on me. I reached for a new napkin, placing the linen on my lap and wiping off the wine from my fingers. As a rush of waitstaff surrounded our table to help clean the mess, one reached for my salad plate.

“Oh, I’m not finished—” My words were cut off when I noticed him drop something small and folded beside the plate, the move deliberate but not enough to catch anyone else’s attention with the distraction happening across the table.

The waiter smiled at me and pulled his hand back. “My apologies, sir. Enjoy.”

As I nodded at him, I casually swiped what he’d dropped and lowered it to my lap then unfolded the paper napkin. Surprise rolled through me as I read the note. I looked up to make sure the right person had smuggled this to me.

Archer pushed back his chair, rising to his feet and making his excuses to those at his table. As he buttoned his suit jacket, his eyes caught mine, and that was all I needed to know.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he headed in the direction of the restrooms and shoved his note in the pocket of my pants.

The one that had said,

Men’s room. NOW.



I’VE LOST MY fucking mind.

That was the only thing that made any sense. I was standing in the men’s restroom in one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city, with a hard-on inspired by Preston Abernathy.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt such a dynamic pull to someone before, and now that I’d given myself permission to feelwhateverwas happening between us, it was like a switch had been flipped and I was unable to remain impervious in his presence.

Something that was blatantly obvious, given I had just left my dinner guests at the table claiming a business emergency, and then ordered Preston to leave his family and come meet me so I could…what?

I had no idea.

It wasn’t like this space was very private. Anyone could come and go.

I paced the length of the room, which was nicer than most apartment lobbies in the city, before bracing my hands on the sink and looking at my reflection in the mirror.

What the hell was I doing? His parents were right outside, for fuck’s sake. But that did nothing to calm my pulse which wasthrobbing in time with my dick. If anything, it made both throb a little harder.

That was how I knew I was in a world of trouble.

The door was pushed open and Preston stepped inside. I straightened from the sink and took a second to drink in the sight of him.