Even fully bundled up, Archer Carrington was unbelievably beautiful. He’d already caught the attention of those at my table, and I also noticed several other diners looking in his direction. It was sheer magnetism, and the effect on me was instant. Especially when he tugged at the fingers of his gloves and his gaze locked on mine. It was so quick, that flash of heat and theway he faltered when he saw me, but then his eyes moved past me to those at my table, and it was like he’d never reacted at all.

He tucked his gloves into his jacket pocket as the hostess began to escort him and a couple of others I recognized from the Elysium board in our direction.

I quickly turned back to see my mother waving at Archer and tried to calm the sudden pounding of my heart, among other things.

Of all the restaurants in the city, why did the man I’d gotten myself off in front of two days ago have to be right between me and my father?

God, could this get any worse?

“Archer.” My father pushed back his seat, getting to his feet to greet the newcomer, and I hoped he didn’t expect me to do the same.The last thing I needed was to announce to the table just how happy I was to see…my girlfriend’s dad.

I winced a little, hating that that was how they would view him. As Serena’s father. My future father-in-law. The president of the Elysium. Mr. Carrington was the perfect in-law in my parents’ eyes. Bet that would change if they knew what a “good boy” he thought their son was.

“Preston.” My mother’s lilting laugh tore me out of my thoughts and back to reality. “Are you coming down with something? You’ve been distracted all night.”

Great, thanks, Mom.“No, no. I’m fine.”

“Then how about you find your manners and say hello to Mr. Carrington?”

I glanced up at Archer and his other guests, and his slow smile did absolutely nothing to help mydistractedsituation.

“Hi.” That was all I could manage. A lame-ass “hi” as I stared up into the most handsome face I’d ever seen.

“Hello.” I couldn’t be positive, but I felt there was a glint in his eyes. “Enjoying the oysters tonight, are we?”

The empty shells in front of me were proof enough of that. Hell, maybe I could blame my stiff dick on them too. Instead of the sexy-as-sin man looking at me like he knewexactlywhere my mind had just gone.

I cleared my throat. “Um, yeah, you should try them for yourself. You know, since Serena won’t touch them.”

“Hmm, I think I just might.”

“You should join us,” my father offered, and I hoped that the sheer panic I felt in that moment wasn’t splashed all over my face, becausefuck, it would be absolute torture to have to sit through dinner with Archer and not be able to talk to him about what had happened between us.

“No, I don’t want to interrupt.”

Oh thank God.

“But I hope you all have a lovely night.” Archer’s hand dropped to my shoulder. “As always, it’s a pleasure to see youagain, Preston.”

As my father took a seat and Archer left to go to his table, his words from the other morning about whether he had a tattoo echoed through my head:The next time I see you, I’ll let you look for yourself.

Wait, thiswasthat next time. Right?

The insinuation was right there. That I was seeing himagain.

That was not lost on me. At least, I didn’t think it was. I hadn’t imagined that, or the sexual tension I’d felt humming between us.

The comment about the oysters, the touch on my shoulder? That wasn’t in my head. But…we were in public. It wasn’t like I could march over there and demand he give me what he promised now, could I?

I looked in his direction, trying to ascertain if I was living in a fantasy land or?—

No.I didn’t think I was imagining it. Not when Archer reached for the buttons of his coat and, as he undid them, looked in my direction.

I knew I needed to look away, to not make it so damn obvious I was watching him, but it felt impossible. Especially when he chose the seat that directly faced me. He could’ve sat with his back to me, ignoring that I was even there, but maybe he wanted to watch me like I wanted to watch him. I wasn’t sure if that made my night better or worse, because it would be agony having him so close but unable to get my fill.

Glancing at the serving tray of oysters on our table that only I seemed to be enjoying, I picked one up, deciding two could play this game. It was clear Archer wanted to tease me tonight, which, I could admit, might be fun. Especially if I played along.

I lifted the shell to my lips, letting the oyster and its delicious toppings slide into my mouth, and as I swallowed, I saw Archer watching. Taking advantage of his attention, I brushed my thumb along the corner of my mouth, swiping some wayward juice before sucking it between my lips. I didn’t need to look at him to see his reaction, because even from across the room I could feel it—that heat, that tension, that was there between us, and it hadn’t dulled just because there was a room full of other people.