“No,” I said, shaking my head. “But you know what? That’s okay. I don’t have to know everything right this second. I can finally figure out what I want to do with my life.”

“Preston, we just want what’s best for you,” my mom finally said as she worried her hands in her lap.

“I understand that, but maybe neither of you know what’s best for me anymore. I have to figure that out on my own.”

“Have we not given you everything? You’ve never wanted for a damn thing in your life, and you’ll never have to?—”

“Let me guess, if I give up Archer?”

My father grunted. “It’s a small price to pay, son. Trust me.”

What he was suggesting was madness. There was no way I’d ever give up Archer. Not even if my father stripped away my inheritance or cut me off at the knees in any other way.

But the only way to get that through his head was to show him.

I stood up and relaxed my hands that had been tightly balled into fists for this whole conversation. “I don’t have to listen to any more of this. My life is just that—mine. So you can either choose to accept me and anyone I choose to be with, or…” I hesitated, unable to say the alternative, because even though I loathed them in that moment, they were still my parents. I dropped my hands by my sides and shrugged. “Or you don’t.”

“You don’t mean that.” My mother stood up, looking like she wanted to walk over to me, but only managed a couple of steps.

“Yes, I do.” The stricken expression on her face had me softening a little. I didn’t want to hurt anyone else today. “Everything will be okay, I promise. You’ve just got to give me the space and trust to figure it out.”

I turned on my heel and walked away, having said everything I wanted to.

“Preston,” my father called out as the elevator doors opened. “We’re not finished with this conversation, young man.”

I stepped inside, and as the doors began to close, I met my father’s stare. “Yes, sir. We are.”



“THIS IS SUCH bullshit. We can’t let them get away with this.” Serena was on a roll as she wore a hole in my rug from her inability to sit down. I couldn’t blame her for skipping the rest of her school day to be here, not when she was so riled up on my behalf. Hell, I’d had Sasha cancel everything on my calendar, wanting to be home whenever Preston finished with his parents. That was a conversation I knew wouldn’t go well, and I couldn’t imagine what state he’d be in when he arrived.

Serena tapped her phone in her hand, and I could almost see the wheels turning. “How about this. You’re the president. You firethem.”

“I think it’s a couple hours too late for that.”

“Then we reach out to your supporters and force them to reinstate you.”

“Bug?” I patted the couch cushion beside me. “Come sit.”

“I can’t. I’m pissed off.” She stopped suddenly. “How areyounot more upset?”

I sighed and stretched my arm out along the back of the couch. It wasn’t even noon and it already felt like the longest day ever. “I’m choosing to look at it like they’re doing me a favor.”

“A favor? What are you talking about? They’re trying to humiliate you.”

“Aren’t you the one who told me I work too much?”


“Looks like I’ll have more time to spend outside of work if I’m not constantly at the Elysium or having to show up for meetings at Astor.”

“But…” She searched my eyes, trying to suss out the truth. “You’re okay with this?”

I shrugged. “I don’t really have a choice. Let someone else deal with all the headaches for once.”

“I don’t know how you’re taking this so much better than me. Aren’t you upset they’re trying to ruin your reputation?”