“Uh, I’m not sure how much sleeping we did this weekend, but?—”

Preston’s soft laugh had my lips tugging up on one side despite the serious nature of this discussion.

“You know what I mean.”

“I do, and I’m sorry they think that. I know it was the last way any of us wanted this to play out.”

“Right, and to think the only thing I was worried about this weekend was telling my parents.”

“About that…” I winced, thinking of the email waiting for me from Preston’s father. “Have you heard from them yet?”

“No, I— Why, have you?”

“I haven’theardfrom them, but I saw an email from your father, and I think you should be prepared to have that talk sooner rather than later.”

“Fuck.” He cursed a couple more times. “They know?”

“Yes. I’m pretty sure everyone on the Upper East Side knows. The Elysium is calling for my head as we speak.”

Preston let out a strangled laugh, his horror at the situation unfolding more apparent than ever. “This is all my fault.”

“This is not your fault.”

“If I’d just told my parents the truth instead of all these stupid lies, you’d still have your spot on the school board, Serena wouldn’t be humiliated?—”



“You were going to tell them. Youaregoing to tell them. You just needed time.”

“No,” he said softly. “I needed you.”

All of the bullshit I’d gone through that morning suddenly seemed worth it with those three words. “Do you want me to be there when you tell your parents?”

“God no,” he blurted out, then laughed a little. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that to sound so harsh, but?—”

“You don’t have to explain. Truth be told, I think it’s best that your father and I keep a bit of distance between us for now. I just wanted to offer, if you needed the support.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I love you.”

I heard a soft sigh through the phone. “Say that again. It makes everything I’m going to go through today worth it when I hear that.”

“I love you.” The words came easy, the feeling now such a part of me that it was difficult to remember a moment when I didn’t feel this way.

“Thank God, because I just got a text, and my parents are here.”

I didn’t envy him the conversation he was about to have, but it was one that was needed, and hopefully he would feel lighter once he was on the other side of it.

“Should I pray for you?”

Preston groaned. “Probably. Can I come and see you later?”

“You don’t even have to ask.”

“Will you be at the Elysium?”