My steps slowed as I looked around, catching a few sneers, a few more looks of disgust. Some turned away to whisper to their friends; others looked down at their phones before shaking their heads at me…

Shit.They weren’t staring at my friends at all. They were staring atme.

My heart began to thud loudly as my steps slowed.

Daire glared right back at every one of them before growling, “What the fuck are you lookin’ at?”

“Your cheating-ass friend,” a jock nearby said, before spitting on the ground a few feet from me.

East stopped moving so abruptly that I almost ran into his back. He turned slowly, like a king deigning to give attention to a peasant, and pinned the jock with a look so full of loathing, I would’ve pissed myself were I on the receiving end.

“I’d advise you to strongly consider apologizing for misspeaking.”

The jock’s eyes narrowed as he gestured at me. “He cheats on Serena with herdadlike the pervert he secretly is, and you want me to apologize to this piece of shit?—”

“You motherfucker.” Daire grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and a flicker of fear passed through the guy’s eyes. “Say that again.”

“What, are you gonna hit me too? I doubt the dean will go easy on you this time, even if one of you guysarescrewing her kid.”

Daire’s arm reared back, but Gavin jumped forward, catching him by the bicep and yanking him away before Daire’s fist could make contact with the guy’s jaw.

“Jesus, he’s not worth it,” Gavin said as he struggled to tug him back before West and Donovan moved in to help block our surly friend from doing anything stupid.

Like defend me.

Because what the jock had just said meant that somehow my secrets had come spilling out.

“Your girlfriend’s dad?” a girl at one of the benches yelled. “What kind of sick human does that?”

Her words set off a cacophony of insults:

“How could you do that to Serena?”

“I thought you were straight?”

“You’re fucking the daughterandthe dad?”

“Who’s the better lay, Preston, huh?”

“Interesting family dynamics, isn’t it? Swapping out one Carrington for the other.”

It went on and on, each comment slapping me in the face, and I could only stand there, taking it. My feet felt rooted to the pavement, and it wasn’t until East swiped the jock’s phone and took a look at the screen that he addressed the others.

“Get him out of here.”

I felt someone’s arm wrap around my waist, but I was in such a surreal daze that I didn’t know how they managed to get my legs moving. All I knew was that they got me inside the building and into our meetup room in a blur before depositing me into one of the chairs.

“Oh no,” a soft voice said, and then Serena was kneeling in front of me. “Preston? Put your head between your knees and breathe, okay?”

I did as she said, taking in slow gulps of air as she rubbed my back. Faintly, I heard the other guys storm in, their voices raised and angry as the door slammed shut.

“I’m assuming whoever took that photo sent it to everyonebutus,” West said.

“Whoever did it is an amateur.” East gave an inelegant snort. “Who doesn’t use something like that as blackmail? Instead, they gave it out to the masses for free. Idiot.”

“East,” Serena snapped.

“What? If Preston or your father had been blackmailed instead, we could’ve gotten ahead of this.”