“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Better than okay.”

He nipped at my lip, then he began to kiss his way down my neck to my chest. I reached for his head and threaded my fingers through his hair, and when he scraped his teeth over one of my nipples, a loud curse left my mouth. Archer’s eyes flashed fire ashe flicked his tongue over the spot he’d just teased and watched for my reaction. The second he touched me, my hips jackknifed off the bed, rubbing my cock against him.


He teased my nipple, nipping and biting the skin around it as he continued to watch me. “That’s another thing I love. The way you say my name.”

I tightened my thighs around him and grunted. “Told you.”

“Yes, you did.” He planted a kiss at the center of my chest and aimed a devilish grin my way. “So let’s see if I can make you shout it tonight instead.”

Oh hell, I knew he could. He just had to keep looking at me like that and I’d be able to get myself off. But I had a feeling Archer had other plans in mind by the way he dragged his tongue down the middle of my body to flirt with my navel.

This wasn’t a dream, that much I knew was true. But if he kept teasing me the way he was, I wasn’t sure I’d survive until morning.

I glanced down to see Archer’s mouth precariously close to my cock. Whenever he bent to kiss a new patch of skin, it perked up, hoping it was its turn. But it seemed he was determined to drive me out of my mind tonight, and my one and only job was to let him love me.

Damn, when did I get so lucky?

Archer nuzzled his way down my treasure trail, nosing the soft, short hair there as he inhaled my scent, and something about the act was so earthy and raw that it made me feel as though I was marking him in a whole new way, imprinting myself on his DNA somehow, so that anyone who came near knew he was mine.

The idea made fire run through my veins, and when his stubble-covered jaw grazed the side of my cock, I twisted my fingers in his hair.

“Fuck,” I panted.

A low growl was all I heard as he wrapped his fingers around the base of my dick and directed it toward his mouth. With his eyes on mine, Archer lowered his head and the sight of him tonguing my slit was all it took for me to grant him his wish—I shouted out his name.

I slammed my eyes shut and threw one of my arms across them, the physical and visual stimulation too much for my precarious control. But then the sound of him groaning and sucking on me hit my ears, and there was no use trying for control.

I stared down at the sexy man between my legs and punched my hips up, trying to get deeper inside his mouth. Archer swallowed me down in one greedy gulp, tearing another, more desperate, shout from my lips.

“Archer.Oh God…”

His heavy-lidded eyes found mine as he reached under my legs and brought them up over his shoulders. I tightened my fingers in his hair and pushed in and out of his mouth.

I felt as though I was having an out-of-body experience, to be in this bed where I’d spent so many nights fantasizing about this man, and now here he was, loving me in a way I never imagined possible.

Archer took a nice, long suck and let me go with a soft pop, then crawled up and over me.

“Tell me you’ve got something in one of those drawers to get you nice and slick for me.”

I nodded and licked my lips. “Top one. You’ll find a bottle and?—”

“The bottle’s all I want.” He brushed his lips over mine. “I’m safe. I’d never risk you, and if you’re okay with that?—”

“I am,” I rushed out before he could finish, arching up to kiss him hard. “I’m safe too. Got checked at my last physical, and, well, there’s only been you since then.”

Archer crushed his lips to mine, following me back down to the pillow, and as the idea of him inside me bare and naked started to spin in my head, I lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist.

“So impatient.” He chuckled. “Let me make this good for you. Let me get what I need.”

I touched my tongue to my top lip, then nodded. I wanted everything his eyes and words were promising.

Archer pulled open the drawer and grabbed the bottle of lube, and seconds later he was back between my thighs. He rested a forearm by my head and reached down between my legs with his slick hand. His slippery fingers fondled my balls and stroked down my perineum to my tight entrance, and then he began to tease and massage the puckered opening.

Archer stroked my hair on the pillow.“Close your eyes, listen to my voice.” He kissed my lips, then made his way up my jaw to my ear. “Give yourself to me. Let me have you.”