I swallow the lump in my throat. “Thankfully we all have lots of support. We have each other, you know?”

“Totally. Tuck has Maren. Joe has Lady. And you...” I hear her smile. “Wait, that’s why you’re calling me, isn’t it? Becauseyouhave someone.”

You can’t get anything past Mollie. No use lying to her. And she’s far enough away—she’s so far removed from the situation—it doesn’t make sense to pretend my marriage to Abel is real with her. She’s my best friend. If there’s anyone I can confide in, it’s her.

And I really need some guidance in navigating the treacherous waters of pretend relationships.

“So. It’s a bit of a long story. But basically Abel and I are pretending to be married because it’s my dad’s wish that I find my person and live happily ever after before...”

Silence. I squirm.

“Okaayyy,” Mollie says at last. “Abel, as in your brother’sgood friend? The one who came to graduation and didn’t stop staring at you the whole time?”

“He didn’t stare at me. And yes.”

“The guy you’ve been in love with for, like, twenty years.”

“Less than that. And I don’t think I’ve everlovedhim loved him.”

“But he’s hot. Like,reallyhot. At least he was when we were in college.”

I put a hand on my chest. “He’s still hot.”

“And now he’s also stupid rich.”

“He’s made lots of money, yes.”

“I thought you said he gets around.”

“He does. He did.”

“So how the hell did you convince him to marry you?”

“Fakemarry me. It was his idea, actually.”


“That’s exactly what I should’ve said when he fake proposed.”

“Jennifer Lynn Monroe.” Mollie chuckles. “What the actual fuck have you gotten yourself into?”

I roll my eyes. “I really appreciate you not judging me.”

She laughs. “Sweetie, I’m just looking out for you.”

The wind picks up and blows my hair into my face. Freaking bangs.

I do my best to tuck them behind my ears, but they’re just short enough to not make it. “Then you’ll love hearing that I moved in with him. And when we saw Brian last night?—”

“Ew, that guy. Don’t tell me you’re still messing with him?”

“I’m married now. Of course I’m not messing with him.” I don’t realize the sailor has returned until I catch him looking at me. I put on a tight smile.I’m already being roasted, thanks.He takes the hint and disappears inside the bridge. “But we ran into him at a restaurant last night, and to—I don’t know,let Brian know I’m taken or make him jealous or whatever, Abel... well. He kissed me.”

“A real kiss?”

“Kinda. Not really. It was done under false pretenses.”

“Was there tongue?”