My hand finds the edge of the table. I grip it so hard my knuckles turn white. “Dad, are you not okay?”

“Aw, sweetie. I’m afraid I have some not-so-great news.”

My stomach flips. My heart flips.

Everything inside me flips right over, and for a full beat I think I’m going to be sick all over the table.

“I got the results of those tests I had done. Doc said I have stomach cancer. Stage one.”

A hot rush hits the backs of my eyes. “Oh my God.”

“I know, sweetie.” He grabs my hand. “But they caught it early, and the prognosis is very good. Sounds like they may be able to get it all out with surgery—I may not even need chemo. How great is that?”

Leave it to Joe Monroe to put a positive spin oncancer.

I’m shaking so hard my chair shakes with me. I stand, pushing it back, and round the table to hug Dad.

His shoulders shake as he cries, and I cry, and Icannotbelieve my dad is sick.

“I’m so sorry,” I manage thickly. “I’m really, really sorry. I love you.”

I don’t know what else to say. I just hold Dad and he holds me, the sound of the ocean filling the silence.

Dad is sick.

He needs surgery.

What if the cancer has spread? Do they know that yet? What if they get it all this time but it ends up coming back? What if Dad does need chemo? How sick is he going to get? How can I help? How is he going to cope? Will they give him antidepressants if he needs them?

“I hear your head spinning.” Dad pats my hair. “I’m going to be okay, Jen. I’ve got great doctors and the best damn support system ever. You, Lady. Tuck and Abel. By the way, you’re the first one I’ve told. I figured I’d wait until after the baby’s here to tell Tuck and Maren.”

“Anything.” Straightening, I grab my napkin and use it to dab my eyes. “I’m here, always, if you need anything.”

Dad frowns. “We’ll get through this, Jen. I promise. I just...”

“What? Say it, Dad. Please.”

He swipes his thumb knuckle over his nose. “I’ve loved watching you become who you are, sweetie. I just wanna make sure you’re happy and safe if?—”

“Don’t.” I shake my head. “Do not go there. Let’s... talk about your list instead. What’s on it?”

“My list?”

I gulp my tea. “Your bucket list. Things you absolutely have to do. Places you absolutely have to see.”

Dad smiles. “Only thing I wanna see is you happy. I want to see all of y’all happy, you and Tuck and Abel, living the lives you’ve always wanted.”

Sniffling, I let out a wry chuckle. “Lucky for you, I’ve always wanted to be a single website designer who pays way too much to rent a pet-friendly bungalow in Wilmington.”

Dad smiles. “I’m so proud of you for how much you’ve achieved in your career. Really, it’s incredible what you’ve accomplished between your education and your job. I never got that far. You’re smart, you work hard. You’re doing something you love. I’m in awe.”

“I appreciate that.”

“But I know family has always been important to you. You’ve always wanted a soulmate, a bunch of kids, and even more dogs. A minivan.”

I sniffle again. “Family is everything, yeah.”

“Family is how we survive. Life is way too hard to shoulder on your own. I know you can take care of yourself, Jen. But sometimes I worry that if something ever happened...” Swallowing, he shakes his head. “I’d just love to see you with a guy who makes all those dreams come true.A guy who treats you right, who can be there for you if shit ever hits the fan.”