“Stop.” She gives my shoulder a gentle shove. “Do I really need to list all the reasons why he’ll totally get why I chose you?”

More tequila. “You know what I mean. Your dad loves me for who I am. But does he love me for his daughter?”

“He will if I do.” That big, wide-open smile again. “And I do, Abel.”

Thankfully the timer on my phone buzzes. This fake shit is already starting to feel way too fucking real.

I get up and check the food. It’s not nearly done, so I setmy timer for another fifteen minutes. Contemplate pouring myself another tequila.

Cracking open a bottle of Topo Chico sparkling water instead, I ask, “Why didn’t we say anything about wanting each other before we got married?”

“That’s easy.” Jen runs her bare foot over Tai’s silky brown coat. “Again, we knew Tuck would blow a gasket, and he’s had such a full plate these past few years. We wanted to wait until we knew that what we had was the real deal.”

“I’ve never said anything about wanting a family.” I scoff. “I’ve made it clear that I’m interested in the opposite, actually.”

Jen sips her margarita thoughtfully. “You didn’t grow up in the best circumstances. We’ll say you were scared of history repeating, but the love of a good woman cured you of your fears.”

“Exactly how much romance have you been reading?” I take my seat again beside her and settle my elbows on the counter. “I’m not sure I buy it.”

“But Dad will. Tuck will. We are related, you know. They’re just as mushy on the inside as I am. They’ll get the romance thing. What they won’t understand is why we just decided to move in together. Like, today.”

Pressing my joined hands to my mouth, I scoff. “Because living together before we’re married is a sin, Jen.”

“Youarean expert in that department.”

I let out a bark of laughter. Genuine, surprised laughter. The dogs wag their tails. “I am indeed. But now that I’ve turned a new leaf since meeting you, I wanted to do things differently.”

“That tracks too.”

“Besides, I live in the woods. No one sees who comes and goes, so we could say you’ve been staying here on the down low for a while.”

“Is that intentional? No one being able to see what goes on here?”

“Of course it’s intentional. I like my privacy. I also like my girl to be able to drop by whenever she pleases without her nosy family getting involved.”

Jen curls her hand around the edge of the countertop. I try not to read too much into that.

“How considerate of you,” she says.

“Told you I’m a good host.”

She clears her throat. “So. To make this believable, we’re going to have to do things other married people do. Like... I guess we could go on some dates? I think people should see us together around the island. Would you be opposed to holding hands and stuff in public? Just to make it more believable?”

My skin feels tight. I wish I had poured myself another tequila. I still manage a casual chuckle. “I can definitely hold hands and stuff. Whatever you think we need to do, I’m fine with it.”

“Okay. You also mentioned an exit plan.”

“I think we definitely should have one, yes. I assume we’re fake dating for as long as Joe’s in treatment?”

“Sounds right.”

“And then, yeah, when he’s back to one hundred percent we say something like, being together made us realize we’re just better off as friends.”

Jen tips her head back and forth. “That works, I guess.”

“Thankfully we have some time to figure out exactly how we’ll play it.”

Cher whines when I put what’s left of the cheese on a cracker and hand it to Jen.