Whatever the case, Abel is not the kind of guy who drives a minivan. Which is part of the reason why my brother would likely kill us both if we ever did get together. Tuck understands that Abel and I don’t want the same things, and I know he thinks I’d end up hurt. Abel’s also a notorious grump who has a habit of sleeping with women who aren’t single. In other words, he’s not exactly the brother-in-law material Tuck is looking for.

Doesn’t stop me from thinking about Abel when I reach for my vibrator. Old habits die hard. I mean that literally; Abel was the guy I thought about when I had my first self-administered orgasm. Getting naked with him has been my favorite fantasy ever since.

I see Dad waiting at the dock as we pull into Bald Head’s marina, which is surrounded on all sides by Harbour Village. He smiles. Waves. I wave back, my stomach lurching. He looks fine, happy even, but I can’t shake this bad feeling.

During peak season in July and August, the ferry will be packed to the gills with renters and residents alike. But today I’m one of only a handful of passengers, so disembarking is a breeze.

Dad wraps me in a tight hug, surrounding me in the scent of his Old Spice aftershave. “Hey, sweetie. Thanks for coming out. Ride here okay?”

“It was a delight.” I curl an arm around his middle. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. We start to walk. “How are you?”

His smile wavers. Just for a second. Just long enough forme to know something is up. “I’m all right. Did you eat? Any interest in grabbing brunch at Stede’s?” He nods toward a cute building nearby, where Bald Head’s best restaurant is located. It’s owned by Tuck’s boss, Riley, who developed its South-meets-southern-Italy concept as an ode to his now fiancée, Lu Wade.

“I could always eat.”

“Good. Looks like the patio is empty. Let’s do it.”

We’re seated at a two-top right on the water. The umbrella over our heads flaps in a slight breeze, dappling our table with sunlight. It’s a gorgeous day. If only I didn’t feel like Dad is about to tell me something I don’t want to hear.

“Is everything all right? Where’s Lady?” I ask after we order our drinks. “You didn’t say why you called last night.”

Swallowing, Dad rests his tattooed forearms on the table. Like my brother, Dad is a big guy, 6’4” and well-muscled. He looks every inch the retired fisherman and former Marine.

And like my brother, my dad is a total softie. Probably why Lady Wade, Dad’s girlfriend, fell so hard so fast for him.

“Lady’s in Charleston with Lu shopping for wedding dresses.”

“That’s right! Lu and Riley’s wedding is coming up. How exciting.”

“You got the save the date?”

“I did. Wouldn’t miss it. Can you imagine how fabulous it’s going to be? I’ve never been to a wedding on a yacht.”

Dad chuckles. “I don’t think any of us have. I heard a rumor he hired Beyoncé for the reception.”

“He didn’t,” I gasp.

“You’re right, he didn’t. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.”

Laughing, I reach for the sweet tea the server sets down in front of me. “You had me there for a second. Yeah, Riley is obsessed with Lu. I love how in love they are.”

Dad looks at me across the table. The hope in his eyesmakes my chest cramp. “What about you? Any new guys in your life?”

I shake my head. “I’m dating around a bit. Nothing to report.” Dad would rightly disapprove if I told him about my current not-boyfriend, Brian. I’ve been hooking up with him for a couple months now, but he has yet to ask me out on a real date, much less to be his girlfriend.

I should tell Brian I want to be exclusive, but the people pleaser in me balks at the idea of being the one to initiate that conversation. I don’t want to take him off guard or make him uncomfortable. I’m also scared he’ll turn me down, and the thought of starting my search for my person all over again is more than a little depressing. I don’t have strong feelings for Brian—yet—but I hope hooking up leads to more.

I want so badly to find my person. I know Dad wants me to find him too.

“You know, Jen, it’s never too late to make a change,” Dad says gently. “Take a chance with someone new.”

The cramp inside my breastbone intensifies. Could that someone new be Brian? Or am I an idiot to think there’s something there? I’ve had boyfriends in the past. Mostly in college and during my early twenties. But I hadn’t felt that same kind of spark with anyone since, and then two months ago I met Brian.

He’s handsome. Charming (at least when he hasn’t had too many IPAs). He’s a good kisser too. We have physical chemistry, and I feel like I could coax an emotional spark to life if I play my cards right. All relationships require work, right?

“I’m trying,” I say. “I try very hard, it’s just...”

“I know you do, sweetheart. I’m sorry. This isn’t a knock on you.” Are those tears I see gleaming in Dad’s eyes? “I’ve seen you live out so many of your dreams. I want to keep witnessing that, you know?”