“We’re doing it for Joe. And if Tuck finds out, he’ll tell Joe.”

“You don’t know that.”

“It’s a very real possibility.”

Riley’s shaking his head again. “I hope you’re ready for a lot more black eyes, then. Might lose the pole too. Which, by the way, cannot go anywhere near Jen, even if y’all are fake married.”

“Goes without saying I’d never, ever touch Jen. We... yeah, definitely don’t want the same things. We’re different people. That’s why Tuck would kill me.”

Riley lets out a soft chuckle. “The lady doth protest too much.”

“Lady? But I thought I was a slut?”

“You know this is gonna blow up in your face.”

I run a hand over the back of my neck. I’ll get sunburnt if I don’t go in soon. “Maybe. But if it helps Jenny and Joe out, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything for them, Riley. I can’t just...” Mythroat feels tight again. “Stand by and watch Joe’s heart and body break. Man means everything to me. And his family means everything to him.”

“And you’re willing to lose your second-best friend in the world if your plan doesn’t work out?”

“That’d be you, so yes.”

Riley smiles. “Tuck doesn’t forgive easily. And you know how protective he is of Jen. Remember when he stuffed that kid into a locker for checking her out in the hallway?”

“Sam Douglas.” I shake my head. “Poor guy didn’t know what hit him.”

At six four, two fifty, Tuck is roughly the size of a polar bear. You do not want to mess with him. Unless, like me, you have a death wish.

A wave lands at our feet. I look out over the water. Wait for its slow, easy rise and fall to calm the riot inside me.

“Will you play along?” I ask Riley without looking at him. “I know it’s a huge favor to ask. But me being married—that’d be a tidy way to fulfill a sick man’s wish.”

“Why not actually get married? For real?”


He waits for me to elaborate. I don’t.

Riley nudges me with his elbow. “I know you have a crush on her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“That’s a lie.”

“Think what you want, Riley.”

“I think this is a dumb fucking idea. People will get hurt. But if you really need this to happen, then.” He scoffs. “Sure. I’ll play along. I love Joe too. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Okay, Mom.”

“Speaking of moms, I’m meeting mine for breakfast.” He checks his watch. “There’s really nothing I can say to change your mind?”


“Godspeed, then. If Tuck gets to you before I see you again”—his hand lands heavily on my shoulder—“I love you, brother.”

“See you in hell.”

“Nah. I’m definitely going to heaven. You, on the other hand...”