Page 123 of I Wish We Had Forever

“K-I-F-F-I-N-P,” Katie singsongs.

Maren glances at me. “Y’all want to stay and eat? Tuck can mix us up some whiskey sours.”

“Well, we already ate...” I look at Abel.

He looks at Tuck. “How about we hang with the baby while y’all eat? Then Jen and I will be on our way.”

“I’ll allow it,” Tuck replies.

I roll my eyes. “I thought you weren’t going to be an ass—ana-holeanymore.”

“Don’t misread me, Jennifer. I may be warming up to the idea of y’all being married, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to make nice.”

I bite back a smile. How like my brother to make us sweat. It’s one of his twisted love languages.

I follow Abel to the sofa while Maren, Tuck, and Katie dig into dinner. I get myself set up with some pillows and a burp cloth, and then Abel hands over Reese, careful to keep his hand on the back of her head.

She squirms a little as I adjust her, holding her against my chest. Taking her hand in mine, I press my thumb into her palm. She curls her little fingers around it, smacking her lips.

I lean back against the couch, keeping the baby tucked close. “My goodness, is she sweet as pie.” I love the slight weight of her. How warm and snuggly she is. Her skin is perfectly smooth, her chunky cheeks about as delicious as it gets. I resist the urge to bite them.

Abel rests his arm on the back of the couch behind me. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

“The most perfect angel.”

It’s surreal, being surrounded by Abel while the two of us look down in wonder at this perfect little creature my brother and his wife made. It all happened so quickly. This time last year, Maren and Tuck didn’t even know each other. I had my busy life back in Wilmington. Abel had his busy life here. We’d cross paths every so often, flirt a little. But that was it.

Now here we all are, brought together by the miracle of second chances. Or is it serendipity that threw us for loops we weren’t prepared for but welcomed anyway?

I can smell the detergent rising off Abel’s T-shirt. The baby is quiet and still. Katie is telling Tuck she’ll eat another shrimp if she can have a popsicle when she’s done.

For a second, I close my eyes and imagine my love story with Abel is as real as Maren and Tuck’s. Longing unfurls inside my middle.

I want that, more than I’ve wanted something in a long time.

I want so badly for Abel to love me the way I love him.

I want to wear his ring and have his babies. We’d be so good at this, I know we would—sharing a beautiful life together.

I hand the baby back only when Tuck threatens to kick me out if I don’t.

“Y’all head on home to your love nest,” Maren says. “Trust me when I say nothing ruins the mood like bath time.”

“Reese keeps pooping in her bath,” Katie explains.

Abel laughs. “Y’all talk a lot about poop, don’t you?”

“Poop is life,” Maren says.

“I wish she was kidding,” Tuck adds.

Abel gives Katie a hug, then wiggles his fingers at Reese, who’s awake in her mommy’s arms now. “Bye, sweetheart. Try to let your parents sleep a little tonight, okay?”

“Ha,” Tuck says. “Wishful thinking. Bye, y’all.”

Abel grabs my hand and we head downstairs. He grabs it again after we climb into the golf cart.

My pulse riots. Why does he keep doing this? Doing sweet shit when no one’s around to see it? It’s one thing to bend me over his sofa. It’s quite another to hold my hand when there’s clearly no need to. Unless...