

“I’m not?—”

“But you should. If y’all were really into each other, you’d be exclusive.” He adjusts his grip on the wheel as he drives the truck onto dry land. “He’s not the one.”

I open my mouth, then shut it. Abel is right, of course. I know that deep down. But Brian is the only guy I’ve felt any kind of chemistry with in ages. Forfeiting the chance that our situationship might grow into something real—however small that chance may be—is a depressing proposition.

The quiet, quaint streets of South Port fill my window. “Having a live-in wife is definitely going to crampyourstyle.”

“What does that mean?”

I look pointedly at his black eye. “People can’t see you doing... whatever it is you usually do.”

He smirks. “What is it that you think I usually do?”

“Pick up married women. Host group sex sessions in your lovely new home.”

Abel laughs. A big, booming sound that makes my pulse skid. “Giving up group sex will be hard. But I’d do it for you.”

“Wait, do you actually have group sex?”

“I’m not answering that.”

“So you have.”

He shifts in his seat. “Next question.”

“What about Tuck? And Katie? Are we just telling my dad we’re a couple, or...” I love being an auntie. Last thing I want is to lie to my niece. Mess with her head.

Abel’s jaw tics. “We go all in. Make everyone believe we’re together. Otherwise, someone’s going to slip up and tell Joe we’re not real. Tuck’ll hate me for a while, but he’s gonna be busy with that baby anyway.”

I grin. “I don’t think ‘hate’ is a strong enough word.”

“Already have one black eye. What’s another?”

“How does your eye feel, by the way?”



“Tuck will come around. I’m doin’ right by you, after all. Putting a ring on your finger.” He glances down at my left hand. “He’ll be happy to see that.”

“He won’t be happy when we eventually tell him the whole thing was a lie.”

We’re at a stoplight. Abel turns his head to look at me. “You believe the end justifies the means?”

I think on this for a minute. “Not always. But in this case...” I frown when I think about Dad’s tearstained face. The fear in his eyes when he saidI have cancer. “Maybe.”

Abel splays the hand he’s got on the wheel.There you go.

Scoffing, I shake my head. “What a wild day.”

“No shit.” He swallows.

A weird, electric silence swells between us. My blood thrums. My chest feels heavy, like I just ran a marathon in bitter cold.