Page 8 of Just for Tonight

“I was at a hotel last night, but I’ll be staying in Grant’s guest room for a while.”

Grant Davis and I had been best friends since we were in diapers. We’d been inseparable until I joined the army and he went to college, but we kept in touch throughout the years. He was working his dream job as an architect at a small firm here in Los Angeles.

“How is Grant?” Dad asked, although I wasn’t sure he truly cared. He never cared about any of my friends. Most of the time I wasn’t even convinced he cared about me. I’d been the only child of two people who’d stayed together for appearances until they couldn’t stand it anymore, and only had me because it was what you did after you got married, not because they’d necessarily wanted me.


Dad’s face morphed to irritated, and now that was a look from him I was much more familiar with. I’d always been the disappointment. Heaven forbid that changed now.

“You know you could give more than one-word answers,” he muttered.

I could, but I probably wouldn’t. Besides, no one here really gave a shit about me, and I was more interested in the woman next to me.

“So,Jenna.” I emphasized her name with my signature smirk and my chest tightened at the light flush that filled her cheeks. “What do you do?”

“I’m a grad student,” she said primly. Fuck, I loved that little condescending arch of her brow. I wanted to fuck it right off her face.

“Jenna’s going to be a veterinarian,” her mom preened.

I’d gotten used to reading people, and the way Jenna’s gaze dropped to her lap made me think something about that statement wasn’t entirely accurate. Did she not want to be a vet?

“Do you go to school around here?”

“No, I go to UC Sacramento up north. I’m just in LA for the summer.”

I frowned. She didn’t live down here? That wasn’t ideal, especially since I had plans to repeat last night—as many times as possible.

The waiter arrived to get our order before I had a chance to ask her more questions. Everyone else ordered first while I skimmed the menu and picked a meat lover’s omelet.

When the waiter left, Jenna scooted her chair back. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go wash up before we eat.”

She scurried away from the table like her ass was on fire. But she couldn’t run from me anymore.

“Ya know, that’s a good idea. I think I’ll do the same. Be back.”

I didn’t wait for a response from my dad or his new trophy wife. My only interest in staying for this brunch was speed walking down the hallway toward the ladies’ room.

She pushed the door open, and without hesitating a beat, I followed her in. She spun around and her eyes widened, but not with outrage. No, that flush on her cheeks and the way her chest was heaving made it clear she wasn’t mad. I’d wager all the money in my bank account that she was turned on.

I held up one finger as she opened her mouth, and she snapped it shut with indignation as she put her hands on her hips. Instead of telling her she looked like Superman standing like that, I bent down and checked to make sure there was nobody in the three stalls in here.


With more confidence than I probably should’ve had, I flipped the lock on the door and then focused all my attention on her.


Knowing her name did something to me. My jaw clenched as I stalked toward her. She backed away from me slowly, but her gaze never left mine, and then she hit the sink and had nowhere else to go.

I didn’t speak until we were only a breath apart. “You snuck out this morning without so much as a goodbye.” My voice was gruff with desire.

She swallowed thickly, and I had the crazy urge to watch her throat do that same motion while my cock was deep in her mouth. “It was only supposed to be one night. No names. Remember?”

“But I know your name now.”

Her eyes flared and her nipples peaked underneath her bra. I placed my hand on the middle of her chest and then slid it up slowly, giving her time to push me away.

She didn’t.