Page 27 of Just for Tonight

Her jaw dropped. “Nooo.”


“Holy shit.”

“My thoughts exactly. Then I ran into Peter, who’s married by the way.”

“His poor wife,” she said like the good friend she was and made me smile.

“Anyway, Connor came over after that run-in to discuss organizing this party, and I decided I was sick of always being a good girl who follows the rules and that a little hookup might be good for me. Now here we are.”

I could feel her staring at the side of my head so I finally faced her. “What?”

“But it’s more than sex now, isn’t it?”

“Why do you think that?” I asked, genuinely curious. Sadie was more perceptive than most, but if she was picking up on it, were we being more obvious than we should be? WasIbeing too obvious about my conflicted feelings?

“Because he watched your every move the moment he entered the room. Maybe not with his gaze, but it was obvious he was very aware of where you always were in relation to him. Plus…”

She nibbled her bottom lip and looked over at the closed bathroom door.

“Plus what?” I asked.

She turned back to me and her gaze was softer. “He looks at you like Travis looks at me.”

I parted my lips to deny it but then sagged back against the sink. Oh my God.Thatwas the look he gave me, the look I couldn’t quite place but made me feel warm and fuzzy and wanted.

“We should get back out there,” I said vacantly and then left the bathroom. I didn’t wait for her to follow, but I didn’t need to; she was right on my heels.

I walked into the ballroom and Connor looked up from the binder, his gaze finding mine instantly. His shoulders dropped slightly, almost like he was relieved, but that wasn’t what had all the breath trapped in my lungs and my heart beating so fast it could compete with a hummingbird’s wings.

He looked at me like I was his.

And that ache in my chest told me that’s exactly what I was.

But was it even possible for a man like Connor to ever really be mine? Or was I doomed for heartbreak all over again?



Today was a really bad day.

A friend of mine from my veterinary program was down in LA for the weekend and wanted to hang out before she had to head back up north. We’d grown close last semester, but as she yammered on and on about her internship and how well she ended up doing in the class we both struggled with, my insides shriveled.

Why did everyone else seem to be doing so well in our program while I was drowning? Was I really not cut out to be a veterinarian?

My heart ached as I let myself into my apartment and then dropped my keys on the table by the door. I stood there, staring at the apartment that was only mine temporarily and then sagged against the door before sliding to the floor. I wrapped my arms tight around my bent knees and finally let out the emotion I’d been holding in ever since Sara started talking about how awesome her internship was going and how she’d learned so much, yada, yada, yada.

Tears cascaded down my face as I was forced to confront reality. All I’d ever wanted to do was be a veterinarian—to work with animals. But maybe it was time to face facts that I wasn’t good enough. I was falling behind my peers, more with every day that passed. I shouldn’t have listened to my advisor. I should’ve gotten my own internship to prove her wrong.

Why didn’t I argue against her suggestion?


I leaned my head back against the door, feeling the tear tracks running down my face, but I lacked energy to wipe them away. There was no one here anyway.

And then, right on cue, someone knocked on the door. Could I really not be left alone to wallow in my misery for five freaking minutes?