Page 19 of Just for Tonight

What were the odds she was not only my new stepsister, but the niece of my new supervisor? Wyatt had seemed like a chill guy at work—a scary motherfucker when he wanted to be, but chill nonetheless—but he was as perceptive as I was and I knew he’d seen right through me when I showed up here and couldn’t stop staring at Jenna. I knew I was going to get the third degree from him, but watching Jenna as she walked back, remembering the feel of her in my arms, the taste of her lips on mine, the way her eyes seemed to see in my very soul, made anything he could say or do to me one hundred percent worth it.

“So, that’s the tour,” she said loudly and I had to put my fist in front of my mouth to try to hide my grin. She was so obvious. We’d have to work on that.

“Connor.” We both turned to see Wyatt’s intense expression directed right at me. He didn’t spare Jenna a glance as he walked toward us. “A word,” he said and then kept on walking past me and into the house.

Jenna’s eyes grew wide as panic filled her face, but I shook my head in a silent gesture that there was nothing to worry about and then followed her uncle into the house. He moved with purpose into a room off the side of the main hallway, and when I entered, it was clear this was his office.

“What’s up?”

“Cut the shit,” he said, spinning around and staring daggers at me that I’m sure would make a lesser man tremble, but didn’t touch me. “What’s going on with you and Jenna?”

I kept eye contact, something I’d learned in the army. Always look your superiors in the eyes, even if they have the upper hand. “I already told you. Her mom married my dad.”

His eyes narrowed. “What else?”

I respected him as my supervisor, but like hell was I going to tell him what was really going on with me and Jenna.That was our business until she was ready to tell everyone.

I kept my mouth shut and watched his jaw twitch. “I swear to God, Connor, if you touch my niece, I’ll fucking kill you and make it look like an accident.”

“I have no doubt you could do that, but Jenna probably wouldn’t appreciate it.”

He leaned back on his desk, pretending to be relaxed and casual, but the tension in his shoulders gave him away. “And why is that?”

If he thought he was going to catch me in a lie, he was wrong. I hadn’t lied about a single thing. Omissions didn’t count. He was being nosy about something that was none of his business.

I shrugged and told him another truth, although this one was harder to admit because it was a weakness of Jenna’s. “She seems to care what her mom thinks, and I doubt Vanessa would think highly of you killing her new stepson.”

Wyatt’s shoulders sagged slightly. “Fucking Vanessa,” he murmured, so low I wasn’t sure he intended for me to hear. Then his gaze was laser focused on me. “I don’t believe you for a second, Connor. I think there is something going on, and I’m telling you right now, she’s off-limits. You need to stay away from my niece, are we clear?”


I understood him completely. I just had no intention of following the law he’d laid down. Jenna might’ve been his to protect, but that was before. She was mine now.

We went back outside and Wyatt returned to his station at the grill while I immediately found Jenna sitting at a round table on the patio, sipping on what looked like lemonade. I detoured to the long table set up closer to the grill and made a plate of food, piling it high with as many options as I could find before joining Jenna.

She glanced up at me and then looked away, as if simply looking at me would give away the fact we’d seen each other naked. I ducked my chin to my chest, hoping it would hide the smile that was fighting to break free.

God, she was cute. She was sexy, beautiful, smart, and a million other things too, but right now she was fucking cute trying to hide the way she reacted to me. Even now, I could see the way her cheeks flushed pink and her breathing picked up. She could try to pretend to be unaffected by me, but she wasn’t doing a very good job.

“What are you doing?” she asked, keeping her voice low even though there wasn’t anyone around us. Most people were congregating by the pool or chatting with Wyatt by the grill. Some were in the house to escape the sun.

I gestured to my plate. “Eating.” Then the left side of my mouth lifted. “And enjoying the view,” I added, not hiding the way my gaze slid down her body and then back to her face.

She leaned forward, her voice low and bossy. “You can’t look at me like that here,” she hissed. “My uncle is right over there!”

I nodded. “So he is. But he’s busy with his friends, and no one else is paying any attention to us anyway.”

She inhaled deeply like she was trying to center herself from how taxing it was dealing with me, and I had to fight back my laugh. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt as light as I did around Jenna.

But I could remember the last time I’d laughed before I met her, and that quickly had the smile slipping from my face. I pushed my plate closer to her. “Help yourself. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I got a little of everything.”

She looked at my full plate and then back at my face before her delicate fingers darted out to grab a piece of watermelon.

I took a bite of my cheeseburger, enjoying the scenery and being near Jenna. Once I swallowed, I asked. “So, how come you’re here?”

She looked at me like I was an idiot. “It’s my uncle’s house. I thought we already went over that.”

“Yeah, but half these people are guys we work with or people who are his friends based on what I’ve gathered.”