Page 17 of Just for Tonight

Uncle Wyatt’s arms dropped as he shook his head. “Damn. Vanessa bagged another one already?” His attention focused on me. “Did she at least give you notice this time?”

I shrugged. “A day or two.”

“Fucking hell,” he murmured. Wyatt wasn’t a fan of my mom, not just because of what she put my dad through when they were married, but also for how she constantly treated me. It wasn’t really her fault. It was just the way she was. Like Connor had already figured out after only one interaction, my mom was self-centered, and I only seemed to matter when it was convenient for her.

I swallowed down the emotion that started to rise in my throat. I normally had a pretty good handle on dealing with my mom and her shenanigans, but add her to the feeling of inadequacy I had because of vet school, and my emotions were running higher than usual.

“It’s no big deal,” I said, trying to move the conversation away from my mom.

“Well, I guess, welcome to the family for however long it lasts,” Wyatt said with a pat to Connor’s shoulder before he turned around and walked back to the grill, leaving Connor and me alone.

“So…Wyatt’s your uncle?”


“Which would make Sadie…”

“My best friend,” I finished for him.

He scratched his eyebrow. “I thought she was married to Wyatt’s brother, Travis?”

“Travis is my dad.”

“Right. So was she your best friend before or after she fucked your dad?”

I groaned and covered my face. “God, could you not?! I do not need that visual in my brain.”

He chuckled, a deep, throaty sound that had my lady bits perking up. Goddammit. This man was turning me into a sex addict.

“Besides,” I added, “You haven’t seen them together. It took me a minute to get used to it, but their love is the kind people fight wars for and dream of having. They’re lucky they found each other, even if it was unconventional.”

He took a step closer and leaned down so his mouth was right next to my ear.“Seems you hooking up with your new stepbrother isn’t the weirdest thing that’s ever happened in this family.”

God, he was right. When had my life turned into a soap opera?

“Wait, how do you know Sadie?”

“Grant. He’s the buddy I’m staying with for the time being and he works with her. She hooked me up with Wyatt who got me an interview with Raf.”

“Wow, it really is a small world.”

“So, you gonna show me around the place?” he asked, smiling down at me.

My breath caught in my throat because this wasn’t his usual cocky grin. This one was tender, and there was a simmering heat in his eyes that set both my heart and my panties ablaze.


I would not catch feelings for him. This was sex. Plain and simple.

As if there was anything simple about sex, but still, I was determined to keep this as no strings as possible. My panties could burn up for all I cared, but my heart had to stay firmly out of the equation.

“Come on, I’ll give you a tour and then we can eat.”

His eyes lit up with that mischievous glint he always seemed to get when he was thinking about sex, and I smacked him on the chest while fighting back my own smile. I placed my plate down on the table, not sure if someone else at this shindig would snatch it up or not, but it didn’t matter. I found myself more excited to give Connor a tour than to try and mingle with the other people here. It was both weird and exciting having him here at my uncle’s house.

He waved to a few other coworkers—guys I’d met at previous get-togethers at my uncle’s house—and then I took him inside and gave him the formal tour. I was about to head back out to the yard when he grabbed me right above my elbow.

“Walk me out through the front and around the side of the house.”