Page 85 of Sin and Betrayal

“Have you considered that the intended target for the attack might have been you, not Andraius? Perhaps, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Why would anyone target me? My life, my body, my assets are what give others power.”

“You think someone eliminated Andraius to replace him?”

She tilted her chin up, her cobalt eyes connecting with mine and her mouth curving a fraction at the corners. “Perhaps. All that matters to me now is that I’m no longer married.”

“Are you saying that you’re free now, Angel?” I asked in a tone that only she could hear.

A slight flush tinged her cheeks, and she set her palm over my forearm, pushing it down. “My freedom is very subjective.”


“Aren’t you the one who told me to grow up? I’m accepting my fate.” She took a few steps toward the security wing, paused, and then said over her shoulder, “You have two hours. No one will ever keep me a prisoner in this house again.”

“Our intention isn’t to keep you prisoner. It’s to keep you safe.” Xander defended our actions, but he had to know they were falling on deaf ears.

“What is that saying?” She tapped her lip. “Yes. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

* * *

Five minutes after we received the notification that Theios Alex had Nerine settled in the security wing lounge, Xander and I shut the door to the library, sealing the two of us inside.

Our men knew that until we finished our inspection, nobody would get on or off the property, and no form of communication would work.

I circled Andraius’s body and shook my head. “I have no fucking idea how she managed it, but she gutted the asshole.”

“Don’t you think I know this? Traces of whatever happened between them are covering this room.” Xander gripped the back of his neck.

“Traces?” I asked.

“Jackass.” Xander jerked his chin, indicating the wall to the side of us. “There is a smudge of something near the opening to the panel for the passageway. It’s this fucker’s blood. I guarantee it.”

Fear filled me. Nerine would not go down for this.

“We need to get it cleaned up. Eliminate anything that ties this to her.” A list of tasks ran through my mind, along with the crew I’d bring in to carry it out.

“No shit, Sherlock.”

I scanned the room for other spots of evidence. “Someone deactivated the noise sensors for this room. That means he had help getting in here.”

Both Xander and I looked up at the same time, and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was.

He asked, “You think one of the originals is playing both sides?”

“At this moment, I only trust Theios Alex, you, and me.”

Xander shook his head as resignation washed over his face. “Once news gets out, people will assume one of us did it.”

“You and I are clear since we were both in public with allies. She was in the house with him.”

“Who will believe a woman with half of Andraius’s body mass could gut him?”

“Only one person needs to contemplate it for vultures to circle. We protect her at all costs.”

Xander’s eyes narrowed in irritation.

At least that was better than the look of defeat from moments earlier.