Page 59 of Sin and Betrayal

“I know.”

Simultaneously, we turned our heads, not wanting to see any more of the situation in the room.

Nerine’s ultimate dream was to have worn the gown all the women on her mother’s side of the family had worn when they married their spouses. The dress had passed down for five generations, only changing in design to adjust to the era. So the fact Andraius had pulled it from the storage in the mansion’s attic meant he wanted to hurt Nerine in the ultimate way.

This was deliberate. Robert had staged the whole incident with him and Nerine. The fact the fucker had placed his hands on her was just something he wanted to do.

I curled my fingers into a fist tight enough for my knuckles to crack. Once Xander finished with him in the Caves, I’d take my turn.

“You bastard. What the hell are you doing?” Nerine shouted.

“I’m fucking my woman. Get out. Or take a seat and watch how you should take it.”

“Take a seat. Take a seat,” Nerine shouted. “I don’t need to learn anything from you. I’m done with this shit. I’m tired of you disrespecting me. This ends now. I am done with all of you. Get that dress off her, now.”

The bed squeaked as if Andraius had moved. “You don’t tell me what to do. I gave the dress to her.”

“You can’t give something that doesn’t belong to you.”

“I own everything in this house, including you. This woman is having my child, which is more than you can say. She can have anything she wants.”

“Is that right? What’s your name?” The way Nerine asked the question had me bracing as if she intended to throw something at the woman.


“You’re pregnant?”


“How many weeks?”


“Did he tell you I’m the problem?”

“Yes. Andraius said you have weak eggs.”

“Why are you wearing my mother’s gown?”

“Are you hard of hearing? I gave it to her,” Andraius interjected.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I didn’t ask you. I want to know what he told you before you put it on. Did he tell you that he wanted to see you in the gown he planned to marry you in once he got rid of me? Did he say that he is the true Angelos, so there is no need for me and that you will become the Angelos bride now that there is an heir?”

“You don’t need to answer her. She had one duty, and she couldn’t do it. She isn’t of any use.”

“You don’t need to say anything, Lidia. I already know the truth.”

“What’s the truth?” Lidia asked, a slight quiver now in her tone.

“There is no way in hell that kid is his.”

“I’m not?—”

Nerine started laughing, cutting her off. “He’s sterile. The doctors know it, and so do you.”

“This is his child. I swear it.” Fear laced Lidia’s voice.

“The doctors have tested him every other week for the last three months. He can barely produce a viable sample.”