Page 48 of Sin and Betrayal

“For now, I want to know how the two of you are running my family business.” Her lips curved at the corners. “Do you honestly believe I didn’t know? As Papa said, one isn’t a leader if they don’t get in the trenches. Andraius doesn’t even try to get his hands dirty.”

“What do you want with the information?” Theo’s curiosity matched mine. “Is there something you’re looking for?”

“Whether I take over or not, I have to learn. I can’t let others tell me how to handle things and trust they are telling me the truth. This is the plight of too many women in the world.”

“Is this another of Nyx and Devani’s lessons?”

“No, it’s a hands-on lesson I learned over the last five years. Papa trusted me with everything and gave me access to every aspect of his empire. But he never taught his beloved wife the basics of their finances. So when Papa died, Mama went from complete financial dependence to uncertainty. If I hadn’t had access to Papa’s accounts, I wouldn’t have been able to transfer any of the money out before Andraius got hold of the logins.”

“I had a suspicion you were the mastermind behind draining the funds into Swiss accounts. How did you know to do that?”

“Papa. He always had a backup for everything.” She looked between me and Theo. “I have a right to know how things operate. Papa never got to teach me the full extent of his plans. I’m tired of being helpless. The last few weeks have reminded me of all I let go.”

“And you think we are going to do this?”

“I don’t need you to teach me. I only require access to the information. Get me that, and the rest is covered.”

We were back to her Assassin Squad. “What’s the next thing on your list of conditions?”

“I have to make sure you understand. No matter what, we can’t talk about the past or what comes in the future again. What we had doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t want hope.”

I wanted to argue. Hope was how to survive. That’s how I’d made it this far. I’d made myself believe she and Theo would be there at the end of this.

“And?” I probed.

“Follow through on the lesson plan Devani gave you. I want to learn everything and anything I can to protect myself.”

“We may have some issues,” I informed her.

“Why is that?”

“Your trainer ordered me to teach you to spar with someone my size. That means close proximity to you. That’s a bad idea.”

“Oh.” She looked in Theo’s direction. “What are your instructions?”

“Guns and takedowns.”

She frowned. “She’s training me like a soldier in her damn organization. That woman is crazy. I swear to God.”

“Speaking of,” I had to ask. “Want to divulge the name of the organization?”

“Nope.” She shook her head. “Nyx said the rule is chicks before dicks. And your dicks aren’t on my menu anyway, so that’s an easy call to make. So anyway, Devani retired.”

“Retired, my ass,” Theo mumbled.

“So are you guys going to help me, or maybe one of Nyx’s brothers will fill in? She said Tyler is the one who taught her to fight, and he’s a very patient teacher.”

The head of the Mykos syndicate wouldn’t get anywhere near her. I couldn’t help the annoyance and jealousy coursing through my body. And when would he have time to fly up here to teach her?

Was Nyx setting her brother up with Nerine for the future?

Over my fucking dead body.

“We’ll do it. No one is touching you on our watch.”

“Really? But you just said there were issues.” She stared at me as if my reaction seemed odd.

“I know what I said.”