Page 40 of Sin and Betrayal

“Before you take my pupil away, I want a word with the two of you.” Devani approached us, handing me a paper. “Here is her schedule. To keep the charade of the botanical garden, Nerine is well-versed in the terminology and will take care of her studies. As for you, gentlemen, your assignment is to supplement her learning with your specialties. Those details are also listed.”

Xander pulled the note from my fingers and read.

A crease formed between his brows as he turned to Devani. “Mrs. King, this is quite a bit of knowledge you’ve procured about us. May I ask who provided it?”

“I never reveal my sources. All you need to know is that you wouldn’t have made it back stateside if the intel provider didn’t like you.” The deadly glint in her black eyes held a warning mixed in with the information.

It looked as if she wielded a lot of power in the organization that had turned her into a living, breathing weapon.

During my year in Europe, I learned that these institutions worked deep underground and recruited their members at a young age. They used an indoctrination of sorts, similar to a cult, where they trained in every combat and mind manipulation possible.

“We don’t need threats to protect Nerine.” Xander’s ability to remain calm had utterly disappeared, and I knew it was time for me to step in.

“Mrs. King, we will do our part and play interference with all necessary parties. Thank you for your time with the Angelos Angel.”

A smirk touched Devani’s lips. “Very diplomatic of you, Mr. Nephus. You’re good at playing interference.”

“He’s had years of practice,” Xander said. “What agency do you work for, Mrs. King?”

“She’s the Queen of Diamonds. She runs a gem empire. Everyone in the world knows this,” Nerine answered from behind me, and the smug satisfaction on Devani’s lips had me shaking my head.

This was just great. In a matter of weeks, she’d managed a master level of influence on Nerine.

“If I were you, I’d get ready for her to do everything in her power to push your buttons, gentlemen.”

I resisted the urge to glance in Nerine’s direction.

Instead of giving Devani my thoughts on her perdition, I inclined my head. “It is time to return Mrs. Angelos home.”

We walked silently to the car, with Nerine between Xander and me. She kept her gaze forward, saying nothing. The steady stream of tension radiating off her said she expected us to demand an explanation.

Once we started our drive back, I waited for Nerine to begin the conversation. However, when I glanced in the back seat, I found her fast asleep, clutching the ornate box against her chest.




That was the only word that came to my mind the second I lifted the lid of the case. Nyx had given me two black metal blades, etched with intricate designs, nestled inside a plush housing. Wood and steel made up the hilts, and if I wasn’t mistaken, jewels, maybe sapphires, rubies, and diamonds.

Pulling one out, I studied the handle.

OMG, these were authentic gems. Were these women nuts? They wanted me to practice with knives that had actual diamonds in them. I had to be living in some alternate universe.

That’s when I noticed a small lever in the box and tugged. Underneath sat another collection of weapons, knives of various sizes, two guns, a pickaxe-looking thing, a few other items I couldn’t identify, and a note.

No, we don’t expect you to learn with jeweled weapons. Give us some credit. That’s a showpiece.

You’ll practice with the items below. Talk to your bodyguards between lessons if you have any questions. They have instructions. And keep up your studies.


I couldn’t help but smile seeing the initials for Nyx and Devani. It was fitting since all three of my teachers, including Lilly, were known for wielding a weapon to deliver a deadly message.

I stared at the small arsenal the women had provided me, and a sense of apprehension and awe filled me.

This was actually happening. In the last several weeks, I’d not only started to learn to defend myself but also to believe I could truly pull off my escape.