Page 38 of Sin and Betrayal

“Your idea of jumping in to help her is screwed, cousin,” Kas responded in a hushed tone and patted Simon on the shoulder.

I looked between the two men. Who was that woman? And why was she a problem?

As if hearing my thoughts, Kas whispered, “Devani King.”

He couldn’t be serious. Was he even aware of the woman’s true identity? Yeah, she may have married into the notorious King brothers’ underworld family. However, she was deadlier than anyone around her. Devani was a trained child assassin who proudly wore her reputation of eliminating anyone who got in her way without a backward glance as a medal of honor. I’d only discovered the tidbit of information while visiting an underground poker club in New York.

If Nyx was going to find someone to train Nerine, of course she’d bring in a woman classified as a deadly weapon.

Simon shook his head. “I swear, I’m going to tan Nyx’s ass red.”

“Did you forget you’re the darkness to her night? She likes all that kinky shit you throw her way.”

Simon glared at Kas.

I glanced at Xander and resisted the urge to laugh. Simon rarely, if ever, showed a less-than-serious side. Well, except when Nyx or Kas was around. And even that had its limits.

“What the fuck are you two smirking at?”

Xander answered, “The fact you two sound like us. It’s refreshing.”

“I’m surrounded by assholes.” Simon stepped around the ivy and leaned against the wall, making it so anyone who looked in our direction would catch sight of him but keeping it from being obvious.

“Let’s go through another round, and then I have a present for you.” Nyx rubbed her hands together before picking up a wooden box and lifting the lid.

“You’ve already had a turn with her. I’m up.”

“Are you kidding me, Devani?” Nerine exclaimed. “You’ll kick my ass. Last time I could barely sit and had to make up some bullshit about missing a step on a ladder and landing on my butt.”

Devani came into view, wearing a pair of workout shorts and a fitted top, the same outfit Nerine had on. Both women were barefooted, and they circled each other.

“You did land on your butt quite a bit. You kept forgetting height isn’t always an advantage. It’s the way you handle your body.”

“I was trying to keep you from stabbing me. It wasn’t a death match, and you acted like it was.”

“The best way to learn is if you feel the fear, causing the adrenaline spikes, which forces you to conquer it. I don’t want you to freeze if someone attacks you.” Devani shrugged and then pivoted. Nerine seemed to expect it and shifted her movement to counter Devani’s.

“My two bodyguards knew I was lying through my teeth.”

Xander nudged me with his elbow and said in a low tone, “Told you. I even said she was walking as if she had some sparring injury.”

Devani pursed her lips. “I’m going to need to teach you how to lie. Fuck. You’re too damn pure to be a mob princess.”

“Mob wife,” Nyx corrected.

“With any luck, that’s only a temporary situation.” Devani tapped her chin. “Okay, young one. Let’s see how this knife wielder has done with your training.”

“Well, at least I know from the beginning that you’re going for a death match, so I’m ready for pain.” Nerine took two weapons from the box Nyx held, inspecting each blade.

Devani selected her deadly instruments. “I’m happy you’re thinking ahead.”

When the match started, they went straight at it. No preamble, no “go,” no nothing. Just a straight-on attack.

Devani charged for Nerine and slid to the floor, ready to slice at her shin. Immediately, Nerine pivoted and jabbed to the left, barely missing Devani’s shoulder as she made some backbend-like move to avoid the hit.

“Holy—” Xander attempted to charge toward them, but Simon grabbed his forearm and covered his mouth.

“Quiet, asshole,” Simon whispered. “You’re going to stay right here.”