Page 130 of Sin and Betrayal

Seeing it ratcheted up my need, and I fucked into Nerine like a man possessed. At the same time, I worked her clit and rubbed the bundle of nerves deep inside her, rubbing back and forth.

Nerine pulled off Theo and screamed, “Xander, fuck, you’ve killed me,” and then her pussy muscles contracted and clamped down.

That was all it took.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I came in hard spurts, feeling as if I’d lost every bit of my sanity.



“Remember, you have nothing to prove, cara.”

I held on to Mama’s words knowing she meant well. However, today wasn’t about proving I was worthy but standing toe to toe with the establishment.

The time had finally arrived when I’d stand as the official head of Angelos Shipping in front of people who’d been Papa’s peers and now were mine.

I belonged at the table.

It solidified in my soul after I’d gotten the ink from Xander three weeks ago. I was part of this world, I couldn’t run from it, and it was time to accept it.

Plus, I wanted a future with Theo and Xander, and the only way to have one was to stay here.

“You ready?” Theo asked me as we stepped into the two-hundred-year-old building where today’s meeting would occur.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. Do you know the players who decided to attend?”

Xander answered, “My sources say nine families, including you. East Coast and New England power players. You’re the sole female.”

“Get ready. The moment I cross the threshold into their lounge, some of them will run for cover because of all of my estrogen.”

“I’m glad you still have your sense of humor.” Theo’s dry delivery almost had my lips twitching.

“We will remain behind you. Press the button on the ring if you need something.” Xander held out his phone, showing me the app linked to the platinum band I wore on my middle right finger with the Angelos crest.

I nodded, not saying anything.

Then Theo said, “You’re Peter Angelo’s daughter. Don’t take shit from anyone. And if at all possible, keep the bloodshed to a minimum. Cleaning up after you is becoming a major hazard of this job assignment.”

Those words actually brought a smile to my lips and eased the tension in my shoulders.

“I’ll do my best, but I make no promises.”

“At least I took her gun from her.” Xander patted his pocket. “I don’t trust her to keep it in her purse with Tobias in the same room.”

“I still have my handy blade.”

Tobias was the one I expected to cause problems for me today. Well, he and one other family head, Dante Galani. He was the patriarch of the Galani Syndicate and had extremely archaic views on women and their roles. He’d hated it when Papa announced his plans to pass on the legacy to me and tried his best to convince Papa to change his succession plan when Linus was born.

I had to keep my cool, channel my inner lady mob boss, and take no one’s shit. Violence was my last resort.

Deep down, something said I’d have to stab a motherfucker to make a point today.

I hoped it was Tobias. Gutting another Stratos would make my day.

What the hell was I thinking? I was hanging around Nyx too much.

Thinking of Nyx, Simon Drakos would be in the room as well as the Mykoses, Nyx’s brothers. I’d have powerful allies at the table, ready to back me.