Page 119 of Sin and Betrayal

The shocked expression on the girls’ faces may have been worth the headache.

“Now, can I explain why I came to this point before anyone else decides to jump in?”

The girls nodded their agreement without saying a word.

“I want to fix our legacy. I realized how much I truly wanted it over the last few days. I remembered the girl Papa raised and how much I loved learning from him. He made it a game. He made it fun. He taught me so many lessons that I completely pushed to the back of my mind because of my fear.” I took a deep breath. “Then, the devil died, and I jumped in. It was scary, and I didn’t know what I was doing, but I remembered. It was like Papa was there, telling me about small things and how to handle them. And I figured things out. I want to take my place.”

“Cara, have you considered how the other families will behave toward you?”Mama asked, her question more than valid.

“I have. I won’t back down and must handle it the way Papa would. I can’t show weakness. That means they will continually test me. Meaning you four will have risks.”

“That is no different than our lives before.”Mama held my gaze.“I know how the protection works.”

“The girls may not agree to this. They will have to make sacrifices. Christina and Ariana will have to pick universities in Boston.”

A crease formed between both girls’ brows. They had their hearts set on colleges on the West Coast.

“That is why I said we all have to make this decision. We all agree, or we all disappear, and I leave Angelos Shipping to—” I closed my eyes, feeling the burn at the back of my throat.

Mama saved me from saying,“Theo and Xander to run.”

I remained quiet.

Fiona raised her hand, and I gestured with my chin for her to speak.

“You would leave them for us?”

My lips trembled. “Yes.”

No matter how much I loved Xander and Theo, I must protect my family. They were all I had left. Their safety was all that mattered. One day, I hoped they would forgive me for breaking their hearts.

I hadn’t promised them anything. I’d just stepped into my role and done my duty. But deep down, I knew they believed I’d stay, that I’d changed my mind about leaving.

And I had. I wanted this life with them. The one Mama discussed with them last night.

But I couldn’t force my will on the girls. They had so many dreams. They deserved every last one of them.

The room remained quiet for some time, all of us lost in our thoughts.

Then, suddenly, Ariana burst out, “I vote to stay.”

“Same,” Christina said next. “I already applied to schools here, so it’s not a big deal.”

“Did you get in is the real question.” Fiona stuck her tongue out at Christina.

I jumped in before another round of chaos started. “Stop instigating things and tell us your vote.”

Fiona shot me a “you should know the answer, dumbass” glare. “Obviously, stay.”

We all turned to Mama and waited for her to decide.

“You promise this is what you choose?”

“Yes. I choose it.”

“Then we stay.”

Relief washed over me. I’d finally get what I wanted, my family and the men I loved.