Page 99 of Sin and Betrayal

“I’m saying the Angeloses’ Boston holdings are weak, and unless they don’t want a takeover, they better accept help when offered.”

“Duly noted. However, sometimes the deadliest creatures are the ones that look harmless.” I rose as I caught sight of Nyx and Simon coming in our direction. “Tobias, I’m sure you know Nyx and Simon Drakos.”

As they approached, Tobias’s gaze hardened and relaxed as if I’d said something amusing. This was an act I’d witnessed more times than I could count with the man I’d buried today. Interesting, not only did Tobias share a familial resemblance to Andraius, but mannerisms, too.

“You see, I have the Drakoses and Mykoses as allies. Papa made bonds that supersede the grave.”

“My offer still stands. Think about it.”

I pushed down the irritation. I hadn’t heard any offer, more veiled threats. The power jockeying was in full swing, and I hadn’t even left the funeral.



“Have you spoken to her?” Theo asked, stalking toward me.

I paused a few feet from Nerine’s library and folded my arms across my chest. “Obviously not, since I’m out here and not in there with her.”

“You need to get to the bottom of this before the ladies get to the house.”

“I know this, Mr. Piss and Vinegar.”

Theo ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “The bullshit she pulled this morning is not okay. I would have handled it by now if it wasn’t for you.”

“No, you would have made it into a nuclear war. Something’s up, and Nerine needs to work through it. The last thing she needs is a fight. Your way isn’t going to work.”

“Then do your counselor, best-friend, I’m-a-softy-in-the-body-of-a-sumo-wrestler thing.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re a jackass. You only wish you looked like me with your skinny ass.”

“You keep believing that fairytale. Now go fix it. And remind her that this sneaking-out-of-bed shit has to end. I bet it has to do with whatever that fucker Stratos said to her at the funeral. I knew there was more to it than she told us.”

“No, there’s more to her withdrawing than a simple conversation or threat from Stratos.”

“Well, what the fuck are you waiting for? Get in there.”

I shook my head, turning toward the library doors. “Go make yourself useful and check on the ETA for the Angelos ladies.”

Instead of knocking, I turned the knob and walked in.

Nerine sat behind her desk in the now-renovated library, her fingers flying over the keyboard of her laptop.

“It’s two in the afternoon, Nerine.”

She said nothing, keeping her focus on her screen and typing away. She bit her lip, and a crease formed between her brows.

“What are you doing?” I strode in her direction. “You’ve been locked in here all day.”

“Wrong. I signed those shipping contracts after you brought me back the renegotiated terms I’d outlined.”

I held in the urge to growl.

Yeah, she’d signed them while barely sparing Theo and me a glance.

Nerine’s version of negotiation sat on par with her father’s methods. She read through every line and then completely redlined, gutted, and overhauled the contract. Then she expected me and Theo to get the deal finalized with terms favorable to the family’s position as much as possible.

What made me laugh was that she thought using hardline tactics would work in her relationship with Theo and me.