Page 75 of Sin and Betrayal

A little before nine in the evening, and almost forty-eight hours after the blowup that caused Andraius’s house arrest, I tightened the belt of my robe and pushed open the false wall accessing the library. I craved some time alone, to read, to relax, and to not have a single male around me watching my every fucking move.

With all the traitors who supported Andriaus still unidentified, I understood the high-alert situation we were under. But Xander and Theo were being a bit ridiculous to want to know every detail of my schedule, even when I went to the bathroom.

Telling them they were going overboard only made them more annoyingly underfoot with them stepping in to be my shadows.

Right now, I was desperate for a change of scenery. It would allow me to settle my nerves and think rationally.

Fucking men.

Yeah, my emotions continued to run the gamut of volcanic rage, depressive sadness, and complete numbness.

Andraius had spent the last two days behaving almost like a model prisoner. Which meant he was up to something.

Everyone knew it, especially Xander, Theo, and me.

When I told Theo to have extra surveillance on Andraius’s sector of the house, he grinned and made some comment about me already taking my position as the Angelos. But was I truly?

I hated the fact Theo and Xander had been right. I’d allowed myself to live in my victimhood. But over the last few months, I’d grown stronger and now I would decide what was best for me, my sisters, and my mother.

Theo and Xander wanted me to fight for the family to achieve the results they craved, become the true Angelos.

But would I ever actually be the true Angelos when there were two men who already ran the organization?

I refused to stand as a figurehead only or live under the subjugation of any man again.

This wasn’t a pity party for me but an acknowledgment of the truth. The only way to prove power was to demonstrate strength.

My confidence in my abilities continued to grow. However, fighting off another takeover or coup wasn’t something I was sure I had the knowledge to battle.

Through the walls, echoes of movement told me chaos hummed in the house. Soldiers had taken sides, and plans were in the works to see who came out on top.

I had no doubt those who aligned themselves with Andraius waited for an order or sign from him to move. Or they may have decided to abandon ship and look for an opportunity to escape.

The volatility in the air felt thick.

Yeah, the smartest thing to do was to turn back and stay in my room. Where I knew things were secure and no one could reach me.

But then I’d let everything inside me fester into an atomic bomb level of insanity instead of channeling it into something productive. Like the homework I needed to finish for Lilly.

Considering the situation going on in my world, she’d let me pass on my assignments, but at least this gave me an excuse for leaving my room if my wardens caught me.

Frowning, I entered the room and closed the panel to keep the passageway chill from seeping into the warm library. There was no point in locking it since I’d sealed all other entry points from my section of the house and the library.

And just in case anyone decided to annoy me tonight, I had my handy-dandy blade strapped to my thigh.

Keeping a weapon attached to my body that was sharp enough to split a hair in two was definitely a smart idea considering the past few days. It would also come in handy if Theo or Xander decided to give me another lecture. A slice to their shoulder or neck might encourage them to stay away from me.

For a fraction of a second, the thought of licking a drop of blood from Xander’s and Theo’s necks sent a shockwave of need and arousal coursing deep into my core.

What the ever-loving fuck?

The turmoil and rage of my life were getting to me.

I grabbed my laptop and took a seat behind my desk.

I set my hands over my abdomen as tremors shook my body. I’d only ever experienced blood once during sex, and it had destroyed a piece of me, left me nearly broken, and I still bore the scars of it.

I’d cover the scars up one day. Have skilled tattoo artists transform them into something beautiful.