Page 64 of Sin and Betrayal

“Are you two out of your mind? I went for a fucking run.”

They only stared at me.

“Are you planning to glare at me for the next hour like that?”

Instead of responding, they continued to scowl at me, anger radiating from them in thick waves.

They both remained silent for five minutes, glowering at me and adding to my agitation.

Fuck this shit.

They weren’t my keepers. I’d had enough of these broody assholes. No matter how I felt about them, I’d punch them both in the face using the moves Nyx had taught me if they thought to manhandle me again.

I adjusted my position on the seat, readying for whatever they planned.

“Stop it, Nerine.” The order from Xander had me cocking my head to the side, trying to figure out what he meant.

I glared at him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“We aren’t the same people anymore. Even if you don’t realize it, you’re doing it. It isn’t fair to any of us.”

Then it hit me.

I’d positioned myself as if they would fuck me into submission. Something they’d done in the past. A game of sorts that we’d played.

How had I instinctively fallen back into that dynamic? Was it the emotions churning through me? Or the anger at Andraius?

My eyes scanned the limo. And all the things we’d done in here flashed in my mind.

I blew out an unsteady breath and leaned back in my seat, crossing my legs before I stared out the window.

“You could have picked a different car.”

“There weren’t many options available between when we realized you were missing and when we tracked your phone.” The weight of Theo’s scrutiny continued to play havoc on my thrumming heart.

“I was never missing.” I licked my lips and then adjusted the direction of the air conditioning stream to cool my overheated skin. “I needed to go for a run.”

Xander shrugged off his suit jacket, laid it at his side, then unbuttoned and rolled his shirt sleeves up, revealing his tattooed arms. Along the sleeve of ink was my name written in Greek. He had another one worked into the design of a dragon’s tail that sat over his heart.

Theo had done something similar, except he’d etched my name into the scales of the dragon’s back. It had been a secret symbol of our relationship, one we had to keep quiet about because of everyone’s conservative views.

He ignored where my attention shifted and leaned forward, giving me that enforcer glare known to scare the shit out of most people.

“During midday, in the middle of summer?”

Too bad his glare did not affect me.

“I had to clear my mind after what that piece of shit did in my house and our over-the-top altercation.”

“Clear your mind, is it?” Theo’s voice grew deeper, making the hairs on the back of my neck prickle with irritation and causing everything inside me to clench at the same time. “And you didn’t think it was possible to clear your fucking mind without ditching your security?”

He kept his cool in all things. He prided himself on it. But then there was me.

I whipped my head around and glared at him. “You aren’t my father. You aren’t my husband. You aren’t my lover. I don’t answer to either of you.”

“Don’t push me, Angel.”

“Or what?” I countered, lifting my chin. “And don’t call me Angel. I’m not your angel.”