Page 56 of Sin and Betrayal

They’d also made me realize that resenting Andraius for keeping me from achieving my degree was only hurting me. I had to let it go. Otherwise, he had something to hold over me, and the on-the-job skills the ladies were giving me were far superior to a degree.

Devani ran a multibillion-dollar conglomerate with only a high school education, and what Lilly had gone to school for had nothing to do with her real job as a hacker. She’d taught herself everything she’d ever learned.

This connection and unconditional support were what had been missing in my life, and this was what I planned to give my sisters.

“Okay, we need to talk, so stop pretending to sleep,” Theo commanded.

My eyes snapped open as the car came to an abrupt stop in the driveway of the compound, and I stared at two intense faces.

“Umm. What did I do now?”

“That conversation with your mother was fascinating. Did you forget our parents are Greek, and we are fluent in Greek?” The hardening of Xander’s lips almost had me laughing.

“No, I didn’t. You’re my security. You have to pretend everything I said didn’t happen. You protect me and my secrets. Isn’t that the job?”

“Angel, I swear I’m going to—” Theo clenched his jaw as he cut himself off.

“What? What are you going to say? Smack my ass red?” I lifted a brow. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I have a right to protect my family if I find a way to do it. That is none of your business.”

“Of course, it is our business.” Xander ran a frustrated hand through his hair and then cupped the back of his neck. “You are our business.”

“Devani took care of it. Case closed.”

He closed his eyes and lifted his face as if praying. “Promise me you aren’t doing anything stupid.”

“Nothing more than usual.”

Theo shook his head. “I swear to God, Angel. You could drive a man to drink.”

“Yeah, well, you didn’t have to fuck a man thirty years older than you for the last five years.”

“You’re never going to forgive us for that, are you?” Xander asked through gritted teeth.

“I already forgave you that night in the library when we came to our agreement. I forgave you for leaving me. I forgave you for staying away. I forgave you for so many things. But I refuse to let you sugarcoat what happened to me.”

“We couldn’t let you die. Fucking Andraius was better than you dying.” The rage on Theo’s face infuriated me.

“Is that right? It’s not called fucking. It’s called rape, over and over again. Don’t try to change the term for it. The first time it happened was in front of the damn priest who forced me to marry him.”


“No, stop with the Angel,” I shouted. “Tell me, did you two continue after I was out of the picture?”

“You know damn well we didn’t,” Xander exclaimed. “It was all of us or nothing.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better? How many women you have slept with since me? Don’t you dare lie to me. I know all about Xander, the flirt, and Theo, the coveted gentleman.”

“They weren’t you.” Theo shook his head. “No one could replace you.”

“But it felt good. You enjoyed it, and you got off. No one forced it on you.”

“No one is you.”

“No.” I lifted my hand, not wanting to hear Xander’s plea. “I am tired of having these emotions, all of these feelings, with you two around. Please, I’m begging you. Assign someone else to watch me. It’s tearing me up inside. You represent everything I lost, everything I can’t have. If you love me the way you say you do, just set me free and let me move on. Fucking let me move on.” Tears streamed down my face. It was time to accept the truth. I still loved these men, and it broke my heart that we were always so close but nothing could ever come of it.

“I’m so sorry,” Xander whispered, dropping his head. “Please, forgive us. We won’t push you anymore. We’ll do what you said.”

I nodded, wiping my cheeks, and then opened the car door and rushed inside.