Page 28 of Sin and Betrayal

I couldn’t wrap my mind around the events of last night.

First, the craziness with the Drakoses, and now, the change-up of Theo and Xander. How would I handle it all?

None of this made any sense—especially my new bodyguards.

Watching me had to be a downgrade from their traditional roles. And considering who they were in the structure of the organization, why had they agreed to the change?

I’d spent the last few years locked away from the family’s day-to-day operations. Still, I never stopped paying attention to the things happening around me, especially information about them.

They ran the entire Angelos Syndicate.

I’d often heard how Andraius turned to them for everything, including operations. Sometimes they were referred to as his enforcers and sometimes as his chief lieutenants. But in reality, they were both enforcers who had risen to the ranks of top lieutenants, who’d muscled their way past even those with years more experience than themselves. They gave the impression of carrying out orders without question but were, in fact, the power that controlled the family.

They had made themselves indispensable to Andraius. I wondered if Andraius realized he had little control over the organization he’d commandeered.

And why did Theo and Xander pretend to bow down to a man like Andraius when they already ran the enterprise? What was their end goal?

But if I were to believe Theo’s words from last night, why hadn’t they given me even a glimmer of anything to convey they were on my side?

No matter how much I wanted to believe, how much I wanted it to be true, allowing myself to fall victim to my naivety would only lead to disaster, not only for me but for my sisters and mother.

And if I went through with Nyx’s offer, how would I keep our activities quiet? Could I risk it?

Who was I kidding? Taking the chance with Nyx was my only real possibility of escaping this cage I lived in.

I guessed I had my answer.

Okay, Nerine Nicolette Angelos. Time to face the day and deal with whatever comes your way.



I stood outside Nerine’s bedroom, waiting to escort her to her daily workout at the gym. Her previous team lead, Stefano, one of the originals, had given me a rundown of her routine. According to him, every day at six thirty sharp, Nerine left her room for a jog and then a weight training or pilates session in the basement gym.

But of course, today, she decided to change things up.

Glancing at my watch, I scowled.

Five to seven.

What the fuck was she doing in there?

Getting impatient, I knocked and then waited for a response. When none came, I knocked again and leaned against the doorframe.

That’s when the familiar surge prickled down my skin. Only two people ever caused that reaction.

Theo and Nerine.

The former was in a meeting in the city.

Which left my assignment.

Why hadn’t my men informed me that she’d slipped out of her room? Weren’t they stationed everywhere?

Releasing a frustrated breath, I said, “How did you leave without us seeing?”

“You’re not as all-knowing as you believe, Mr. Onassis.”