Page 132 of Sin and Betrayal

“You should know not every Galani views things in the same manner. Some of us are more progressive than others. As with everything, it’s about timing. Wouldn’t you agree?”

I nodded. “Everything is about timing.”

His attention moved behind me, and he straightened. “I’d like to give you another apology before we begin.”

“For what?” I frowned.

“You’ll see.” He stepped away with those cryptic words and sat across from me.

Xander came up next to me. “What did he say?”

“He apologized for whatever was about to happen in the meeting.”

“That means he’s giving you a heads-up that his dick father will pull something. Time to play your A-game. You knew it was either going to be him or Stratos.”

“They may team up, so I’m not discounting Tobias. Want to tell me what you did to make him hate you?”

“You did that.”

I tilted my head up to glare at him. “How?”

“You’re ours, and he wants you.”

“Nice try. No one outside of our circle knows about us. Don’t avoid answering my question.”

“We carried out your directive. That’s all you need to know. Time to begin.” He moved away as a voice cleared.

I saw an older man with stark white hair and onyx eyes staring at me. Artemis Adamo. Once upon a time, I called him Theios Arte, and I believed he was Papa’s friend. Then he hadn’t lifted a finger to help us when everything happened. It was as if he watched to see how things played out. I’d resented him for it.

Now, I accepted it was how things worked on this board game. The crash course of the last few months gave me the foundation for my knowledge. Then, I’d jumped into the deep end of the pool after Andraius’s demise and had no choice but to utilize everything I’d learned. It was a trial by fire that left me exhausted more than I wanted while at the same time building my confidence in my abilities to lead the family.

Good thing I had three brilliant sisters who wanted to help me sift through the mountain of information my idiot husband had never bothered reading or understanding.

Everything in our world—the Greek syndicate world—revolved around amassing and running territory. Power came from being cunning, strong, and ruthless.

As a female joining this table, most of these men would fall victim to their old-school beliefs and discount my intellect and abilities.

Hell, I’d done it to myself. Not ever fucking again.

“Nerine, welcome to the table. It is remarkable how much you look like your mother,” Artemis said, giving me an indulgent smile I’d expect a father to gift upon a small child.

I gave no response to that remark. Yes, I looked like Mama, and she was known for her beauty. However, this was a business meeting, and comments about my appearance reduced my status.

Plus, he’d seen me at the funeral and spoke to me there, even if it was brief.

What the fuck was up with him?

When I remained quiet, he smirked as if I’d passed some test.

All of these were games.

Fucking dickheads.

Artemis then addressed the rest of the room, welcoming everyone, and said, “Let’s make this short and sweet. We are here to address any open topics from our last meeting and then discuss the effects of the transition of power following Andraius Angelos’s death.”

“That topic isn’t open for discussion. I am now the Angelos at the table. You have no say in how I run my family.”

Dante Galani jumped in. “We have business dealings with Andraius you have no concept of understanding. I say that’s the first thing we discuss.”