Page 124 of Sin and Betrayal

Nerine’s lips quirked up, making me return her smile.

“Nerine,” Ariana shouted. “I forbid you to get tattooed on your boobs.”

“Noted,” she responded, there was no hiding the amusement in her eyes.

Just as the heavy main door of the Barracks slid closed, I heard Christina whine, “That’s not fair. Theo gets to stay.”

“Those two are like herding cats.” Theo approached from my side.

His sentiment was an understatement. The girls had waltzed in earlier in the evening as if they owned the place and made themselves at home. The thought of this space as off-limits for young teens had never occurred to them. Then, when Fiona showed up, we accepted there was no use trying to get rid of any of them.

At least Fiona had had the good sense to leave after an hour. But it probably had more to do with a show she wanted to watch airing tonight than anything else.

On the other hand, Christina and Ariana decided they would play pool and hustle my men out of their money. The girls were good but no way near the level of pool shark Nerine was. But then again, they’d never gotten the chance to learn from their father.

“Did I bitch as much as them at the same age?” Nerine asked.

“Yes. However, we had creative ways of handling you,” Theo answered. “Let me lock up the rest of the access areas.”

I moved around my station. “You stay right there. I need to clean up and then prepare your chair.”

“You don’t even know where I want it.”

“You’ll get it where I give it to you,” I called over my shoulder on my way to the sink in the corner of the room.

“Is that right?”

“Those are the rules. They haven’t changed.” I pulled my shirt over my head, threw it in a basket, and scrubbed my arms and upper body to remove the grime from earlier sessions.

“You’re mighty bossy tonight.”

“You forget, only with you am I nice. Everyone else thinks I’m the asshole and Theo is the diplomat.”

“Are you going to show me your not-so-nice side tonight?”

“Is that what you want, Angel?”

“What if I said yes?”

I looked over to where Theo leaned against a wall.

He’d already set up the station for us, a cushioned seat designed to sit forward-facing so I could work on her shoulder and back.

It was more or less a massage chair, but if angled correctly, it would work perfectly for other purposes.

Taking a towel from a rack near me, I dried my skin and moved in her direction. “You’ll get my answer depending on your behavior during our session.”

“That’s not an incentive to follow directions.”

“I can always strap you down. Then you’ll be at my mercy. We know that’s your kink with Theo, but I’m always willing to play.”

Heat flared in her eyes, making her pupils dilate. She liked dominance, and she wanted her men to take from her. Gentle and sweet had their time and place, and this wasn’t one of them.

I never pushed it the way she craved it with Theo. With me, it was more about keeping her desperate and making her wait.

“I’m here for an appointment in your chair. The fucking can come later.”

“Shouldn’t I dictate the order of things?” I asked as I stopped a foot from her. “Especially since I’m the one providing you the service.”