Page 78 of Dr. Single Dad

But there’s a twist—there’s always a twist where Eddie’s concerned. The only things I’m allowed to write are reasons that directly impactme. I’m not allowed to mention her or Dylan.

In return, she has to answer my prying questions honestly.

“I really can’t think of anything else,” I say. “Maybe I need more pizza.” Truthfully, though I’ve only had one slice, the last thing I want is more pizza. My stomach lurches, not for the first time today. I’ve never experienced this much anxiety about leaving one of my charges for a short time, but I suppose Guinevere has been poorly. I tamp down the worry and focus on filling mugs.

“I wish I had some kind of equipment that could administer a mild electric shock,” Eddie says.

“To stop me from eating the pizza?” I ask.

“To incentivize you to think about yourself more.”

I groan. “Don’t you start.” I grab a slice of the vegetarian special. “Why does pizza always taste better with Coke?”

“A law of the universe. Just like why nannies always hook up with their single-dad bosses.”

Something tells me I should never have confessed to Eddie about me and Dax. It was the first thing she asked me when she met me from the station. I’ve been so discombobulated about it, I told her right away. She was thrilled of course. She doesn’t understand the complications it brings.

“The way I see it, these are not the choices I have,” I say. “Whatever happens, I’m not going to be able to work for Dax for much longer. He’s either going to get bored of me or…” My heart clenches at the thought of being dumped. I’ll be devastated. Dax is so much more than gorgeous. He’s got so much heart to go with that huge brain of his. He needs it coaxed out of him at times, but it’s getting easier.

“Or?” Eddie asks.

I’m not following her. “Or?”

“You said he’ll either get boredor. What’s the ‘or’?”

Theordoesn’t really exist. Things between Dax and I will end for whatever reason and then I’ll be forced to leave. “There’s noor.”

“How could he ever get bored of you?” Eddie asks. “You’re gorgeous and clever and resourceful and thoughtful and notice everything about everyone. And he clearly loves how you look after Guinevere.Quelle surprise.”

I wave her away and swallow my pizza, which seems to drag down my throat like it’s covered in nails. I throw the rest of myslice onto the inside lid of the box. I can’t face any more. “Okay so he’s not bored, but he ends things for whatever reason.”

“Maybe he doesn’t.”

I roll my eyes.

“I’m serious. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe you’re it for him and vice versa. Maybe he wants to marry you and have a thousand babies.”

That’s another reason we’ll never work out. Even if we did get serious, I want my own children. Dax didn’t want to be a father of one, let alone more.

“Okay, so say we live in Eddie’s fantasy world. Dax and I live happily ever after. I’d still have to get myself a new job. I can’t be his employee and his…partner.”

Eddie fixes me with a look, grabs a slice of pizza and slumps back against the bed. “Maybe you’re right. So what then? You still wouldn’t take the Russian job because you’d be traveling.”

“Right,” I say, really trying to think of a solution to this ludicrous puzzle Eddie’s created.

“But luckily for me, we don’t live in Eddie’s fantasy world. So I can take the Russian job.” I scribble downdon’t live in Eddie’s fantasyand stuff it in the mug.

“That doesn’t count.”

“It does too. I get to ask you a question now. Did you sleep with someone for money? Is that where the scholarship came from?”

“What?” she screams through her mouthful of half-chewed pizza.

She scoops up the sweetcorn that dropped out of her mouth and pops it back in. I try not to gag, unsure if it’s because of the front-row view of Eddie’s half-masticated food or because that last mouthful of pizza really didn’t go down well.

When she’s finished chewing, she says, “I should be furious at you, accusing me of being a prostitute because I got ascholarship, but I can’t even be bothered. I just don’t know how you jump to the worst-case scenario all the bloody time.”

“Oh I don’t know either, maybe it’s the fact our parents died at the same time in a freak helicopter crash and then our uncle stole all our money.”