Page 75 of Dr. Single Dad

Shit. “She needs me,” I reply. “I’m such a selfish idiot.”

Dax tries to pull me toward him, but I push him away. “Eira, you’re allowed to miss a call from your sister. That’s not selfish.”

I swipe up to see the notifications on my phone. Eddie called an hour ago. Right around the time Dax was kissing me.

I press on her number and the phone rings again. We stand in the corridor, Dax hovering over me like he’s concerned I might lose it.

“She’s not answering. What happens if something’s wrong?”

I look up at him and then straight back down to my phone. I don’t want to see the concern in his eyes.

“Bad things happen.” I hit redial but I’m sent straight to voicemail.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Why won’t she answer? She never cancels the call.

A message pings through and I open it quickly like it’s the results of my lottery tickets.

Finally having a poo and then going to bed. Let’s catch up tomorrow. I think I’m going to get a waitressing job.

“Why does she need a waitressing job?” I ask.

“I’m still focused on the bit where she’s announcing her delayed bowel movement. Aside from possible constipation, she sounds completely fine.”

He’s right. It doesn’t sound like she’s knee-deep in serious trouble.

“Does she not have enough money?” I ask. I try to remember the last time I actually saw Eddie in person. “I haven’t seen her since Christmas.”

“Maybe you should visit.”

“Yeah,” I say. “I think I will. Tonight even.” It might be good to get some space from Dax. He’s so…consuming. All I see is him when he’s around. Being with him is like being in a fantasy land where I don’t have to worry about hard things or worries. But I need to keep my feet on the ground.

“Doesn’t she live in Exeter?” he asks.

“Right, but?—”

“You’re not leaving to go to Exeter tonight,” Dax says. “There will be no trains until tomorrow anyway. And you need to pack. Go tomorrow.”

I nod. “Guinevere. You need to check on her. Through the night,” I say.

“I have my alarms set up, Eira. You don’t need to worry.”

He says it like a person who’s never needed to worry. But worrying is my job.

“I need to go to bed.” I look up and meet his gaze finally. “Sorry. I’m just?—”

He circles his arms around me and this time I let him pull me towards him. I can do nothing but sink into his chest.

“This is not a good idea,” I say.

“What? Cuddling? Cuddling is the best idea ever.”

I sigh but don’t try to move. “You and me doing…the sex.”

“Doing the sex?” He chuckles. “Are you having an issue with the English language?”

I shrug. “I’m having issues with everything.”

“I can tell.”