“You two are fighting,” Eira says after she’s handed Guinevere to Jacob.
“We’re not,” I snap. “Jacob’s being unreasonable and I’m not giving in to him.”
“Oh, I see,” she replies. Her steady look calms me, like her gaze is the sun, soporific and sedative. “I’m going to make a coffee. Does anyone want one?”
“I’d love one,” Jacob says.
“Jacob, she’s not your servant.”
“It’s fine, Dax. Honestly. I’m making myself a cup. It’s no bother. Unless you’d prefer me to leave the two of you to argue in private?” She smiles and it trips me up. I smile back, and for a second it’s just the two of us in this kitchen. Then I remember I’m annoyed at Jacob.
“We’re happy to argue in front of whoever’s around,” Jacob says.
Eira looks away. Guinevere is totally out of it in Jacob’s arms. Milk coma central.
“Well, I’ll be out of your hair in a couple of minutes.”
“You’re fine,” I say. I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.
“Oh, that reminds me,” Jacob says. “Mum told me to give you some stuff. It’s in my bag.” He nods at his rucksack in the corner.
I’m not sure I want to look, but I flip open the bag in any event and pull out a bunch of papers.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Jacob says.
I turn them over. Details of houses for sale. “From mum?” I ask. “Funny how they’re all in Hampstead.”
“It’s very family-friendly,” Jacob says. “Lots of good schools?—”
“She’s four weeks old.”
“But you’re not nomads,” he says. “You don’t want to be moving every five minutes.”
“I don’t want to be moving at all.” He’s really pressing my buttons today. Why is he invested in me moving house? In how I organize childcare? Next he’ll be checking on the contents of my fridge.
“You got anything to eat?” he asks.
I knew it.
“No,” I say.
“I’m going to make myself scrambled egg and avocado if you’d like some?” Eira says, sliding a coffee onto the counter behind him.
“Thank you, but I should go home. It’s my turn to cook tonight. I said I’d leave something for Sutton.”
“That’s a good idea,” I say. “Go home. To your pregnant wife.”
He acts like he hasn’t heard me, presses a kiss to Guinevere’s head, then whispers something into her ear. I don’t want to hear what it is. I’m pretty sure he’ll be complaining about me.
“Eira,” Jacob says in a forced bright tone.
“Don’t you dare,” I say. I know he’s going to ask her about coming to Norfolk and he absolutely must not.
“What?” he says, acting all innocent.
“Just respect my decision,” I reply.
“Dax, we really want Guinevere there. And you. She’s the newest member of the family and it would mean a lot to all of us. Especially Mum and Dad.”