Page 49 of Luca

The faint flush from earlier has nothing on the full burn I’m sporting now. I try not to let my mind consider what it would be like to have this man’s face between my legs. Think of something else, Jilly. Anything else.

Kid party.

Cliff’s dogs.

Ted E. Ruxpin peeing on my shoe.

Truitt’s diaper blow out.

“Let’s set up the movie screen there in the middle, boys,” Luca yells as he walks ahead of me. “I’m going to need you two to follow directions so we can all stay safe, yes?”


“I’m going to go wake up Truitt and then head out to get the food from the store.”

“Okay.” Luca waves. “We’ll be here doing manly things until you get back.”

“Yeah. Manly things.” Caleb laughs as Luca knocks him to the ground by pushing his finger against Caleb’s forehead. Mimmo snorts as he looks on.

“And get plenty of movie theater snacks. Like M&Ms and Skittles. And gummy worms.”

“Calebbbbb. Can’t we just enjoy a movie without all of that sugar?”

“But, Mama, it’s a backyard movie night. We’ve got to have junk food,” he whines.

“Let your mama worry about snacks. I need you to focus, Tarzan.” Luca turns in my direction and winks, and I swear my panties just caught fire.

Returning home about ninety minutes later, I carry Truitt into the backyard, where I find Luca talking to Cliff over the fence. I freeze when I notice the dogs are just sitting there, allowing Luca to reach over and pet them.Okay, is this guy for real?

“Myla, can you take Tru? I need to bring the groceries into the house.”

She rushes over and scoops her brother into her arms and turns to take him back to the blanket and pillows she was lying on. It appears she’s been reading a book while her brother and Mimmo race about the yard.

“Do you need some help?” Luca asks.

“No. I’ve got it.” Honestly, I’m not sure I want to let him get any closer. It practically took standing in the freezer section of the market before my body finally cooled down from our earlier conversation.

After two trips from the car to bring in the various bags, I see Luca rush over to my car to retrieve the rest. Biting my lower lip, I can’t help but grin. He just doesn’t have it in him to let anyone fend for themselves. I can’t help but lean against the doorframe, watching him bend into the trunk.

Just as he gathers the last of the groceries from the back of my car, I hear Caleb calling for him. “Come throw the ball with us!”

Luca swiftly climbs the front porch steps, deposits the last of the groceries on the counter, and without missing a beat, he turns, places a chaste kiss on my cheek, gives my hips a gentle squeeze, and runs out the back door.

I watch him as he joins the boys in the backyard with hearts in my eyes.God, a girl could really get used to this.

Knock, knock.

Oh, that must be Meghan. I make my way to the front door, where I’m greeted by an unexpected sight. One I’m dreading entertaining.

“Hi, Roger. What are you doing here?”

My slovenly brother stands before me in a pair of jeans, a polo shirt with the remnants of his lunch, holding a quivering dog. “Here.” He plops the panicky pup down on my foyer floor and takes a step back.

“Oh, no. What are you doing? Where’s Mom?”

“She had a date.”

“What? With who?”