Page 91 of Luca

I quickly look at my watch, wondering who on earth would be coming to the house at this time of day. Mom maybe?

Caleb makes a mad dash for the door, flinging it open to find a big, black gorilla holding a bunch of balloons. He must be stunned because my normally jovial child just stands there motionless.

What on earth?

Grabbing Truitt from his highchair, I follow Myla to the door. “Hi,” I greet.

“Hi. Are you Jillian?”


“Someone sent you a gorillagram for your big day! Happy birthday!” He immediately starts in with the birthday song, Caleb now finding his voice as he chimes in. After they finish singing, the gorilla hands me an oversized card and thrusts the balloons at Caleb, who jumps up and down as he grabs them. “Have a great day.”

“Thank you.”

“That was awesome!” Caleb squeals.

Opening the card, my hand flies to my chest as I read it.

Happy birthday. I wanted to make sure the kids got to see this part of your day. The rest is only for you and me.

See you soon, Jillian.

Luca xo

Caleb tugs on my shirt. “Who’s it from?”

“One guess.” I giggle.


“Yes.” I’ve barely answered him before I catch sight of a school bus out of the corner of my eye. “Oh, no. Grab your stuff. I’ll see you later tonight.” I step onto the front porch with Truitt and wave vigorously at the bus driver. Thankfully, she sees me right before the kids hug my legs and dart across the lawn to reach her.

“Whew, Tru. That was a close one.” I tickle his cheek. “What did you think about that gorilla?” I was so flabbergasted by the whole thing, I never thought to check out his face. He must not have been scared, as he never made a peep or buried into myneck as he does when he’s anxious about something. I poke a balloon and wait for him to repeat the action. “Why don’t you come upstairs and give those legs a workout in your bouncy seat while I pick out what I’m wearing to dinner tonight?”

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I’m happy with what I see. And I don’t mean the beachy waves I’ve styled in my hair or the natural makeup I’ve applied. The woman in front of me has gone to hell and back and not only lived to tell about it, but she’s found her way back to joy.

Happiness looks good on you, Jillian.

I run my hands over the flirty black cocktail dress I’m wearing. I have no idea where we’re going, but I want to look hot for him. Make him as crazy as he makes me. If nothing more than to show my appreciation for all he’s already done today to make me feel special.

It wasn’t long after the kids left for school that I had another knock at the door and received a delivery of decadent chocolates wrapped in a gold foil box. Two hours later, I opened the door to a delivery of the most incredible flowers. I nearly cried.

I’d seen Kat and many of the nurses receive bouquets from Cygnature Blooms, the boutique floral shop in town. I hated feeling jealous. I was already envious their partners were still here with them. Dreaming that one day I’d meet someone who’d send me such an exquisite, romantic gesture seemed a step too far. So today, when I looked at that ribbon from the flower shop, I couldn’t help but get misty eyed.

When Mom came to pick up Truitt, she gushed over everything. It’s clear, it’s not the flowers, candy, or gorillagram she’s impressed with, but the man thoughtful enough to sendthem. In all of the years I’d known Dillon, he’d never made a big deal about my birthday. And he loathed Valentine’s day, calling it a commercial racket. I’d given up on romance, opting to make that a holiday focused on the kids long ago.

This could all be a grand gesture. Something to show he’s all in after declaring he didn’t want a relationship with me. But that’s not necessary. Taking Myla to the Father-Daughter dance was gesture enough for me.

Looking at my watch, I’m surprised at the time. He’d said be ready by five o’clock. But that was over thirty minutes ago. He’s always prompt. But I’m not concerned, only impatient to see him. He probably had a hard time getting away. I know Luca works late most nights.

I pace in an unconscious effort to dispel the eagerness I’m feeling. This is a huge step for me. Yet, my inner demons are still playing tricks with my mind. You can’t trust men, Jillian. Why are you doing this to yourself? He’s only going to abandon you like the others. This time the fall will be that much harder considering he charmed the panties off of you before he let you see his true colors.

“Stop it. This man has been nothing but good to you and your children,” I mutter aloud as if watching the angel on one shoulder debating the devil on the other. You’re doing all the right things. You’ve tried to keep your eyes open.

But that sinister part of me that’s hurt and jaded keeps looking for flaws. Why do I only see him here or at Luigi’s? Why is he so secretive? What’s he hiding? As much as I’ve tried to convince myself it’s all because of his history with his mother and now his sister, something still feels off.

Getting up, I place my brand new black stilettos by the door. Ha. I’d giggled the whole time I was trying on shoes. When was the last time I dressed up for anything?