Page 85 of Luca


It all makes more sense now. Why he’s so overprotective of her. I thought he was worried about more danger coming to her. But they’re an ocean away. It’s more likely he’s concerned about history repeating itself after losing his mother.

“She’s lucky to have you, Luca.” I run my fingers down his back. “And so are we.”

He pushes my hair back from my face, placing a chaste kiss on my lips. “I’m the lucky one.” He looks into my eyes, and I feel like we might just make it. Maybe one day all of the innocent people in this house can dream of a promising future with the ones they love, instead of reliving nightmares day after day.

Tucking my hair behind my ear, Luca says, “I hate to leave, but I have an early day tomorrow.”

“I understand. Thank you for coming to my rescue again.” I shake my head. “I really am going to find a sitter.”

Wrapping both of his hands around my waist, he lifts me from his lap. Leaning in, he places his cheek against mine. That intoxicating scent of his puts me further under his spell. “Jillian, there’s really nowhere else I’d rather be.”

I walk Luca to the door, feeling lighter having shared this with him. He gives me another hug and kiss goodbye before he steps into the dark toward whoever’s car that is. It isn’t lost on me that he’s in a different one every time he’s here. Closing the door behind me, I shake my head as I lock the deadbolt, turn off the lights, and head to bed.

But once I pick up my phone, I know. It’s time. Scrolling through my contacts, I find it.Dr. Miller.



Reachingfor the door to Dr. Miller’s office, I try to go to this counseling session with an open mind. I’m still utterly amazed that they could fit me in right away. Getting any appointment with a medical professional seems to take months these days. Assuming this man is as great as Kat made him out to be, I’d expected booking one with him to take even longer.

“Hello, how may I help you?”

“Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Miller.” Wow, this receptionist looks like a beauty queen. She has long blonde hair that is styled to perfection, beautiful blue eyes, and teeth worthy of a Colgate commercial.

“Ah, yes. You’re new to us, Mrs. Gellar.”

“It’s Ms.,” I quickly correct, unsure why I feel so defensive.

“So sorry. If you wouldn’t mind filling out some information for us while you wait. He shouldn’t be long.”

I peer about the waiting room. It’s completely empty. Was Kat pulling my leg with this guy? I mean, if he’s so fantastic, why aren’t there people clamoring to see him?

Barbie must catch my curious expression. “Dr. Miller has been away attending to a personal matter. He’d had to cancel all of his appointments until his return. He wasn’t due to return for a few more days. But he wanted to get back to work, so we were able to fit you in.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry for whatever he was dealing with, but I’m glad it worked out for me.” I laugh nervously, then immediately feel bad for making light of his situation. After all I’ve been through, I’d never want to be disrespectful. “I hope everything is okay.” I admit it feels weird saying that about someone who’s trained to handle crises better than the rest of us.

“I do too. But Dr. Miller wouldn’t be here today if he wasn’t prepared to give you his best, Ms. Gellar.”

Reaching for the clipboard and pen, I hold it to my chest. “Oh, from what others have shared, I don’t doubt that. He comes highly recommended.”

Barbie smiles as the phone rings, and I take a seat in the luxurious chair. I rub my fingertips along the soft velvet of the vibrant blue furniture. This waiting room is a far cry from the others I’ve been in. Those were decorated like the inside of the local DMV, where this looks like I’m sitting in the office of Vogue magazine awaiting Anna Wintour to walk out any minute.

I get to work on the paperwork in my lap so I’m all set to go once I’m called back. Which could be any minute given I’m the only one here.

“Ms. Gellar, Dr. Miller will see you now.”

Jeez. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?I’m not new to this stuff. I follow along behind this statuesque blonde as she strides effortlessly on four-inch stilettos like she’s walking the runway at Paris Fashion Week. Standing a little taller, I try to emulate the poise she possesses and inwardly laugh. I’ve always been a bit of a klutz. It’s not limited to the kitchen. No sense pretending to be anything other than who I am.

After a brief knock, the receptionist opens the door, and I have to forcefully try to keep my mouth from flying open.Holy shit. Kat was right. This guy is a dead ringer for Matthew McConaughey. His bright blue eyes, wide smile, and dimples nearly knock the wind out of me. He stands from his chair, coming closer to extend his hand. He must be at least six feet tall.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Ms. Gellar. I’m Gil Miller. Please, have a seat.” He waves his arm in the direction of a low back decorative armchair, covered in green velvet. It doesn’t look terribly comfortable, but I don’t plan on staying long. “Would you prefer me to call you Ms. Gellar or Jillian?”

“Oh, Jillian is fine.”

“What brings you to see me today, Jillian?”